Would you mind casting an eye over my first assignment for the Groton Business Association's website? Elliott has already proofread and offered suggestions, but his athiest/man-of-science sensibilities couldn't get past "Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing." This will be going on the GBA's website as an introduction to the owner and her business. She said she only wanted it to be about a paragraph or so, otherwise no one will read it, which I agree with.
Janet Jacobs’ Healing Massage
The inspiration for Janet Jacobs’ Healing Massage stemmed from owner Janet Jacobs’ near brush with tragedy. After a 2001 car accident threatened the former secretary’s ability to walk and use her left arm, healing massage restored her health and damaged limbs, and sparked a renewed direction in her life. Within a year after her accident, she enrolled in the Finger Lakes School of Massage. In 2005, she opened Janet Jacobs’ Healing Massage at 111 Church Street in Groton, her home town of 18 years. Today she offers a number of services, including: therapeutic massage; European hot stone massage; craniosacral therapy; cancer massage; and many other options. She also hosts workshops that explore the spiritual and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Most recently, Janet has earned her certification for Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing,” an ancient way of using Divine Source energy for healing and transformation and for guiding people back to Oneness” (
http://www.archhealing.com/). ”Eighty percent of all chronic illness is stress related,” she quotes the American Medical Association. Through her business, she serves and educates the community about the benefits of massage and stress reduction. “And they’ve been getting well,” she smiles. “I feel like I’m doing good.”
In coming months, expect to see some exciting changes in Janet’s Healing Hands’ space at 111 Church Street. Janet plans to renovate the sanctuary of the former church into a reception space for local events, gatherings, and weddings, offering her further opportunities to serve the community of Groton’s physical and mental needs. Visit Janet’s website at
www.JanetsHealingHands.com for in-depth descriptions of her services, news, upcoming events, and gift certificates.