
Sep 02, 2005 12:45

Name? Jason.
Age? 21.
Height? 5'7.
Weight? 150.
Birthday? 07/16/84.
Birthplace? Fayeteville, North Carolina.
Current Location? Shreveport, Louisiana.
School/Grade? Yes.Sophomore. Should be a senior!
Zodiac Sign? Cancer.
Chinese Zodiac Sign? Rat.
Righty or Lefty? Righty.
Haircolor? Dark, dark brown.
Eyecolor? Dark, dark brown.
Skin Color? Brown.

About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)? Mother. Stepfather. 2 sisters. Stepbrother.
Any Pets? The kitty!
If So What Are They? The kitty!
Favorite Relative? Grandparents.
Least Favorite Relative? Stepfather.
What's Your Heritage/Race? I'm African-American. But long, long, long ago...on my grandaddys' side is caucasian.
Political Affilation? No political party.

Love & Sex
Sexuality? Gay. But curious.
Are You In A Relationship Now? No.
If So, With Whom?
For How Long?
Are You In Love? No.
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone? I had a crush on someone the other day and I could remember not having a crush in a long time...but now I can't remember who it was.
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex? Yeah.
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss? I think 13...?
Virgin? Not anymore.
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time? 18.
Was It Enjoyable? Not really.
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone? What does that mean?
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed? The ears.
Best Love Quote?

Your Friends
Best? Althea and Sheena.
How Many Do You Have? It's hard to know who your real friends are so I don't know.
More Guys Or Girls? Definetly more girls.
Love Them All? Yep. We always have a good time.
Any You Wish You Were Closer To? If it was meant to be it was meant to be.
Oldest? Jessie.
Newest? Larie, Sabina, and Marcia.
Pen Pal? Monika Bagimska.
Friends And Words: I don't get this one.

This Or That
Boxers or Briefs? Depends on the day.
Thongs or G-Strings? Thong.
Shorts or Pants? Pants.
Shoes or Barefeet? Shoes.
Books or Movies? Books.
Night or Day? Day.
Dark or Light? Dark.
Mountains or Beach? Tropical beach.
Snow or Sun? Sun.
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi.
Guys or Girls? Guys.
Swim or Surf? Surf.

For or Against
Gay Marriage? Yeah.
Abortion? Depends on the situation. For birth
Bush Getting Re-elected? All politicians are liars. But as far is Bush is concerned "hell no"! I also don't understand how I only hear bad things about Bush yet he's in office again.
Suicide? No.
War? So fuckin' unnecessary. To me it's a bunch of egotistical males having people under them carry out their dirty work. Hurricanes you can't stop/prevent. War you can.
Pants? Yeah. They come in all styles.
Clothes In General? Yeah.
Penises? Love 'em! They all come in different shapes and sizes. You never know what you're going to get! ;D Lol. Jp.

Color? Lime green. Like my high school backpack.
Number? 16.
Holiday? My birthday.
Season? Spring.
Movie? Clueless, Mean Girls, Charlie's Angels I & II, and Sin City.
Book? Valley of the Dolls.
Magazine? Elle. The October issue has Britney on it!
Food? Chinese.
Drink? Blue kamikaze.
TV Show? Real World/Road Rules Challenge. Simple Life.
Song? Slave 4 U.Britney. Slow.Kylie. Do It Till We Drop.S Club. Rich Girl.Gwen Stefani.
Band? S Club 7 and Pussycat Dolls.
Computer Game? The Sims.
Video Game? X-Men Legends. They're coming out with the sequel this fall!
Anime/Manga? I read Dominics' Akira. But not big...well, Sailor Moon. I love Sailor Moon.
Shirt? My Guess? shirts. They fit perfectly.
Pants? Anything ripped, fitting, and flared. I'm not gay!
Actor? Seann William Scott!
Actress? Right now...Jessica Alba. SUE STORM!!!
Singer? Britney!
Flower? Don't really have one.
Scent? I really like Joop!
Animal? Right's lizards.
Cookie? The real soft ones those elves make.

The Future
Want To Go To College? Yeah. And finish!
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Rich, famous, accomplished, and full of wisdom.
Want To Get Married? a woman.
Want To Have Kids? Eventually. 2.
What Would Their Names Be? Girl, Madison. Guy, Storm.
How Many? 0-2.
Where Do You Want To Live? San Fran, London, or New Mexico.
Where Do You Want To Get Married? A big wedding at a mansion in the country with all my friends and family invited. And hers.
How Do You Want To Die? Non painful. Or quick. If both of those...spooky. So wherever I died people would think I would haunt the place.

More Stuff About You
Piercings? 0.
Tattoos? Still 1.
Smoke? No.
Drink? Hell yeah.
Do Drugs? No.
Skinny Dip? No.
Greatest Fear? Huge, vast, open, white spaces.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.
Go To Church? Plan to start.
Religion? If any...presbyterian or catholic. Haven't decided yet.
Scars? Yeah.
CDs Owned? All my CDs owned? The last three purchased was Missy, Black Eyed Peas, and Natasha Bedingfield.
Collections? CDs and comic books.
Like To Be Naked? Depends.
Ever Eaten Sushi? Yeah. Lurve it!
An Entire Case Of Oreos? No. I don't like Oreos.
Been On Stage? Yeah.
Danced In The Rain? Wow. I haven't done that yet.
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex? Yes.
Weirdest Dream? Last night. I'll have to tell you about it, Althea.
Best Dream? The ones where I'm about to get with someone...but I always wake up before I do.
Saddest Dream?
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True? The one I had with a hottie.
Think You're Attractive?
Shoplifted? No. Never.
Been Caught "Doing Something"? Almost.
Weirdest Makeout Place?
Like Thunderstorms? No.
Favorite Shoes? Cowboy boots.
Favorite Quote? I don't really keep up with that kinda stuff.
Best Advice Given? Anything my grandparents say.
Worst Advice Given? "Just do it!"
Favorite Song Lyric? Anything John Mayer says.
What Quote Says Most About Your Life? Once again I don't keep up with that kinda stuff.
Glad This Is Over? I love surveys...but could you tell I was being rushed?
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