May 10, 2009 18:58
The hardest thing ever is trying to get a specific story to begin. Ever since 8th grade I have been writing and writing and writing. I have done so many story beginnings that never end. I don't know what it is but it always seems so impossible to keep a good story going. I think the biggest reason is that when you start writing it you want it to sound super professional and readable to others that may write professional. The problem with that is it takes so much effort trying to write professionally that you get discouraged. You focus more on how you are saying it than what you are saying. When I wrote Blood of a Warrior I wrote it off the top of my head. I just wrote whatever just as long as the story kept going. NOTHING is grammatically correct in that story. I would write it as a movie script and because of it I managed to write an entire book. Now having written this book I think it would be awesome to go back and write it professionally. Why not? The writing is all there nice and pretty.
BIG FAT HUGE PROBLEM. I get discouraged because I try so hard to focus on using fancy words. So I really don't know what to do to get this professionally written. I guess I should write from the heart and screw all BOOK WRITERS and their FANCY WORDS FROM THE S.A.T. (HATES S.A.T.) Then there was this fluke where I wrote 'lord of the rings' type story that I managed to write BEAUTIFULLY. When I reread the story I am shocked I actually wrote something so clear, descriptive, etc. WHAT CAUSES THIS???? I thought maybe it was the level of inspiration. If you are ridiculously inspired than you are probably more prone to write advance writing because the words, story, plot, etc will just magically be supplied to you. You aren't being forced to write a particular way. You are just writing because it is a cool, workable plot.
Also, I hear from other people that when you read other stories you kind of mimic their writing. I am currently reading The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. His books are insane. He is SOOOOO descriptive and elaborate with his words. He knows so many words that he can create 9387246234 different variations of saying something, I love how he writes and when I read it I get inspired to write. I think reading his book is a great fuel for my own personal writing. I have come to the conclusion that I shouldn't go back and rewrite any of the stories that need editting. They were written with the knowledge of that time period and that kind of makes it special. As I grow up I write to my ability for that specific era of time. I don't know. Maybe in the future I will rewrite them and it will great!
I started a story a few weeks ago and I was going to write it in first person. After getting through a few paragraphs I decided SJFNOEWNFON23EN4RWE. Writing in first person is EXTREMELY annoying. I feel like I am writing about myself, which I'm sure is an artistic way of writing but LORD IS IT ANNOYING. NEVER WRITE IN FIRST PERSON. Basically the story is fantasy. I don't really know what the plot is going to be about. This is why I have gone a few weeks and am not really going anywhere. The main character is in his hometown not really doing much. I'm trying to figure out how to get him OUT of his hometown and on a journey across the country for WHATEVER REASON. I don't know. By sitting here writing this entire post and thinking about what this story could truly be about...I have completely and entirely become uninspired to write. Before writing this post I was all YEAH MAN WOOO WRITING IS COOL IM ABOUT TO WRITE 479 PAGES. *writes this post* *wants to go be a blob in front of the tv* THANKS ALOT LIVEJOURNAL OF DRAINS ALL INSPIRATION. YOU MADE ME WRITE ABOUT MY PROBLEMS WITH WRITING AND NOW THAT I KNOW MY PROBLEMS I AM COMPLETELY UNINSPIRED CREATING THE SAME PROBLEM.
*writes about a little girl who gets raped by a man dressed in a cardboard condom box claiming he has come from the future and is the almighty trojan out to kill the evil lord Dr. Aids*