Apr 29, 2004 22:45
Oh joy, today was play on the computer day! I spent like two hours converting a database of 2500 names and addresses from ALL CAPS to Title Case (took me awhile to figure out it was called that). So a 5 minute favor for my dad turned into a 2 hour job- sweet. Then I come home and find out that my wireless connection is not working. After 2 more hours of fun I finally fix it (although it still keeps popping up messages that make me think any second the connection will vanish). So those were the low lights. Highlights: coming home and having a date night with Rachel. Looking forward to hanging out with some friends from my lab tomorrow night. Not looking forward to writing a grant tomorrow. Even less looking forward to meeting with my "endocrine disruptor" group. Let me vent about this group for a second... My advisor asks me to join it 4 weeks into it. I leave for a week for Mexico, only to come back and find out that I have been voted as the leader. And then at the first meeting back I have been elected as the speaker. So May 9, yours truly will be presenting in front of some of the biggest name people in my field- no pressure...
Last night I spoke with some old friends on IM. Both were girls that I coached on a high school volleyball team. Both have volleyball scholarships at their colleges. One is graduating from Cornell in a few days- seems like only yesterday that she was a sophomore in high school. Watched her family go through an ugly divorce- her mom left her dad and ended up marrying an old high school sweetheart. She now lives on her own private island in Vermont. Crazy. The other girl it turns out is leaving college and her volleyball career to pursue her dream of opening a restaurant. So interesting how people's lives change over the years. Crazy to think about where you will be and how you will be different in ten years... Reminds me of a good friend I had in college- went from Pepperdine to making $200,000 a year living on the beach to penniless from the stock market crash to married with 2 kids in about a span of eight years... Also heard today that a friend's mom was driving when a motorcyclist ran into her car and ended up dying. Not her fault, but man that is rough. Found out my cousin broke his neck on Easter when he was out water skiing. Man this world is crazy. Guess my computer problems today were not that big a deal now that I think about it...