Roommate Update

Aug 20, 2005 07:18

I've babbled about this with at least a few friends, but anyway. I feel like posting about it because it's news for me, and well... I feel bad for never updating.

I called my roommate on Thursday afternoon. I had an open mind, I went in to the conversation going, "I am going to try my very best to not scare her off with loudness, etc. I am going to find SOMETHING that we have in common. I am going to be optimistic. Let's see how much depth she has to her."

Let's play a short game of Fortunately, Unfortunately:

Fortunately, we have something in common.
Unfortunately, we only have one thing in common so far, after an hour phone call.
Fortunately, it's something Aisha spends a lot of time doing.
Unfortunately, it's watching tv.
Fortunately, I like tv as well.
Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her what shows she likes to watch.
Fortunately, she's bringing a tv, radio, microwave, and fridge.
Unfortunately, that leaves me with an extra tv.
Fortunately, Missa's going to babysit it and I can live without my personal tv.
Unfortunately, I was right, Aisha is pretty much a complete jock in every sense of the word.
Fortunately, they require all of the athletes to log study hall hours in the library, so she won't be getting back to the room until like... 9:30 every night.
Unfortunately, she gets up earlier than me.
Fortunately, it's only an hour earlier.
Unfortunately, she turns on the radio while she's getting ready.
Fortunately, it's only an hour earlier than my earliest class.
Unfortunately, she listens to pretty much only R&B and that's not exactly my genre of choice.
Fortunately, I can always get back at her on Wednesday mornings when I have my 8 am lab, if it comes down to that.
Unfortunately, that would probably screw up a whole lot of roommate dynamics.
Fortunately, I am going to maintain an open mind and TRY to make this whole thing work.

Top 10 reasons why I'm worried about rooming with this girl:
10. We so far only have one common interest.
9. She says "ax" instead of "ask" and that's a major pet peeve from growing up in Georgia.
8. She was very adament about me not bringing a lot of stuff because she didn't want our room really full--I pack a lot :\
7. She eats breakfast of eggs and bacon which she cooks in the microwave like... every morning.
6. She seems to want to make me her little project and introduce me to the school a lot.
5. The phrase "Wow, you seem like you talk a lot" got mentioned about twelve times in the course of the conversation.
4. She laughed at me and teased me for "being really smart and always studying" and was worried that I was going to make her be quiet all of the time.
3. She seems to pick up and drop boyfriends constantly. I'm not looking forward to potentially learning what it's like to be sexiled.
2. "I know everybody who's anybody on campus. I know the whole football team, but not a lot of the basketball team. We hang out a lot. It's fun. All I do is practice, study, and sleep."
1. "I'm not a big computer person. I know how to write papers. I learned how to send an email just a few weeks ago!!"

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