The Entire World Is Counting On Me, And They Don't Even Know It

Apr 02, 2004 00:00

yea i had the whole day off of school today, and how did i spend it? well go figure the day off i get up at 8 25 in the goddam morning, alright so i sat around and watched whatever was on the TV then i got in the mood to watch a movie and for some reason Fight Club was the only thing that seemed appealing, so i hunted it down cuz i don't have it and that took a solid hour or so. and then i watched went to a class at 5 dinner class again, dorm, fight club with a pop tart and soderrr. it was sweet i love that movie, then i was inthe mood for a blood filled movie with lots of decapitation and such and i almost went on an shopping spree, luckily i restrained and just watch the bloody parts of fight club several times, which kinda worked i guess, tho a good old fashioned blood bath would be cool. i think i am dedicate my life to making a movie that will change the meaning of a gory movie.
and it will be rated nc 17 not for the durrrtty porn reasons but b/c it will shock and awe you with blood and head games and change everything you ever knew about movies. people will demand refunds due to its extreme and graphic nature. the ones who sit through it will leave the theater pale faced and have a blank stare their heads will be filled with the brutal image of a 45 year old mother of two's whose throat was hacked out with a bottle opener by her 14 year old son, and the closing scene will be the kid very graphicly prying out his mother throat then walking out of the bedroom and the gurgling of the mother slowly choking and then it will pan over and you'll see the mother die and her white pillows soaked in her blood, as the camara moves to the ceiling you'll hear the boys sister say "what happened to mommy?" the boy says "Mommy is resting" and you'll hear a scream and a gun shot, a thud, the boy sitting in a chair as the camara moves up to his back his head hung low, he starts chanting and then the camara is at the back of his head, and we see his hand raise gun in hand puts into his mouth and blows his brains onto the camara and it slides slowly and his body falls off the chair. it will have no sequel b/c name one good sequel? it will have a story line sigmund frued would have a field day analyzing, and will in every sense of the word scare the living shit out of you.

anyway now that i have the vision of a womens throat getting hacked out, i think its time to sleep.

oh and Gab I hope your trip home is safe and your spring break is amazing for lack of a better word you and tamara have a blast in Virginia and keep on being you, cuz your the bestest person alive

nite all
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