Dec 24, 2010 13:02

☆ C A M E L L I A
Character: Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Explanation: Tsubaki is the Japanese word for Camellia.
Skill: Cooking
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ C A U T I O N
Character: Mifune
Explanation: Mifune generally carries around one or two large scabbards filled with katana and wrapped with caution tape saying "Keep Out."
Skill: Kendo
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ C H O P
Character: Shinigami-sama
Explanation: SHINIGAMI CHOP!
Skill: Leadership
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ C O O L
Character: Soul Evans
Explanation: Soul tries to maintain a "cool" image, and very often states how cool he and his actions are.
Skill: Athletic
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ D E A L
Character: Crona
Explanation: Crona is known for his/her catchphrase "I don't know how to deal with ..."
Skill: Writing
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ G I R A F F E
Character: Patricia "Patti" Thompson
Explanation: Patti makes an origami giraffe out of her test papers and proceeds to beat the crap out of it.
Skill: Drawing
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ I N S A N I T Y
Character: Franken Stein
Explanation: "Cause [freaked] said so."
Skill: Teaching
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ I Z U N A
Character: Marie Mjölnir
Explanation: Marie's "Izuna" ability uses electricity to heighten the reflexes of her meister.
Skill: Housekeeping
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ L E G E N D
Character: Excalibur
Skill: Charm
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ N A I V E
Character: Blair
Explanation: Blair is a bit naive and often refers to herself in third person.
Skill: Charm
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ P A P A
Character: Spirit/Death Scythe
Explanation: Spirit is Maka's papa~ :D
Skill: Dancing
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ R E S P E C T
Character: Hiro
Explanation: Hiro only wants to be respected.
Skill: Writing
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ S C Y T H E
Character: Maka Albarn
Explanation: Maka is a skilled scythe meister.
Skill: Reading
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ S H O W O F F
Character: Black☆Star
Explanation: Black☆Star is a major showoff.
Skill: Athletic
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ S Y M M E T R Y
Character: Death the Kid
Explanation: Death the Kid is obsessed with symmetry.
Skill: Leadership
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ T E C H N O
Character: Justin Law
Explanation: Justin is constantly listening to loud techno music on his earphones.
Skill: Musical
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ T R I M
Character: Elizabeth "Liz" Thompson
Explanation: Liz does not like studying very much, instead preferring to paint her nails or trim her eyebrows.
Skill: Reading
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

☆ V E C T O R S
Character: Medusa
Explanation: The majority of Medusa's magical attacks take the form of snakes and uses the concept of vectors.
Skill: Medical
Card Worth: 1
Masters: none

soul eater

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