Jun 12, 2008 17:45
So, I'm in the desert. With some mini-dinosaur saying I'm it's tamer.
Forgive my rudeness. I am Ryudamon.
Right. Ryudamon. He says I'm supposed to make him stronger to fight some great evil in this world. Which...makes this sound like a video game.
And on top of all that, I'm supposed to talk to other tamer's on journals through the internet of this world.
My dreams are not usually this weird. Even after eating some sort of 'mental booster' Takeshi makes. He's usually pretty good, but apparently midterms deserve something particularly far out.
Hm, he might have a point if I start seeing math equations. The samurai theme with Ryudamon might be for history and the desert for geography.
Still would've liked some babes in bikinis or something though.