Jul 18, 2005 22:42

I just found out why i liked the name "Coolbreeze":

Earlier, my mom was looking over my shouldar reading my page and she said, "you know, when you were little, we use to call you coolbreeze." "Why?" i ask. "Because you use to walk around wearing shades and giving the thumbs up sign." "UM" She also mentioned that they use to call me Bam Bam too. Ummmm......

Yay! A child hood memory!

OH! Earlier when i got home from running the errands we do all the time, there was this picture hanging up on the fridge. I asked ma what it was and she said carley drew it. It was the cutest thing, and pretty good for a four year old. It was this person (who she claims to be herself) and its mouth was open. She drew teeth and on the teeth were braces! She had the braces on each tooth and the wire connecting and everything! It was so good. I will have to bring it to school for you to see one day.

This is a good day in the life of Britnee!
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