[24] watching the flashbacks intertwine- memories I'll never find

Jul 05, 2011 00:59

[An unusual and yet familiar voice comes over the phone line. It's definitely the Doctor's tone but it's missing that ever present Midlands British accent. Instead, he sounds completely home-grown American.

But... why wouldn't he? That's what he is after all.]

Hey, there neighbors! Fine day, isn't it? And not just any day, it;s the 4th of July! The birthday of our great nation. So glad to have been born in Gallifrey. I was born on... Gallifr-. In Mayfield! It's the perfect place after, not all hustly and bustly like New York or LA. Nice and quiet, love the quiet.

So, anyway. Does anyone want to come over to my place for a nice barbecue? That's what humans erm, people do today! I've got a really great grill that I reconstructed using different parts of the toaster and a rubber duck, funny things, rubber ducks. Bought at the hardware store last week. I gotta give it a good test run. Kairi, dear, invite all the friends you like, I know that Amy Pond-you like having your friends over.

Mr. Major, my good friend? You'll grab the dogs and buns won't you? 'Course you will. There's a good man.

[A pause, as though he's thinking quite hard.]

Does anyone here know anything about astrology? I keep having these funny thoughts about stars, love stars, who doesn't love stars, each one of them unique and full of life. But I can't remember where I read about them, of course that's how I must have learned about them, I read about them.

I especially think about one called... G-Gallenting? No, no, that's not it. Gallif... Gallifrey? I think it is.


Day.[The Doctor is standing in his front yard, in front of a strange contraption that looks nothing like a grill at all but is somehow grilling up burgers and hotdogs for the holiday. To be honest, even the Doctor himself looks confused at how he's making the thing work. There's no instruction manual, he just... knew.]

Evening: [By evening, the Doctor is sitting in a chair in his open garage. The garage is filled with odds and ends, bizarre gizmos that he usually builds. It's clear that today, he's been examining all of them. They're all over his desk and at his feet while he sits in a chair. He's completely transfixed by an old flier he found. No matter what he does, he can't seem to set it down, he's transfixed by the words on the paper.]

TARDIS... What's... Where is my TARDIS? A time machine? That's completely ridiculous, I don't own a time machine.

!event: dronefield, 4th of july

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