(no subject)

Jun 14, 2010 19:58

[Filtered from the Master]

Okay, you lot out there. Stop what you're doing, shut up, and listen to me. This is very important, so don't interrupt me until I'm done, hold all stupid questions until then.

The man who calls himself Harold Saxon is not an ordinary man; "Harold Saxon" isn't even his real name. He's... he's "the Master" and like me, he is extremely old and extremely powerful. Except he wants nothing more to rule all of time and space and doesn't care who lives or dies in the process and believe me he has tried many times. Think Mayfield is bad now? He's the one thing that could rule it and make it worse. Decimating the entire human race is nothing more than something he does before tea.

So I don't want to see anyone here getting involved with him. No stupid "going to be a hero" business, because you'll only end up dead. Leave everything to me. I know how to handle him.

And now you can ask stupid questions.

[filtered to the Master]

Mister Saxon, might I have a word?

listen up mayfield, the master, a warning

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