[28] wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy

Oct 17, 2011 20:46

[Action; Private to 1338 Benny Road.]

[The Doctor wakes with a start in bed. And that's the first problem, he's in a bed. He never sleeps in a bed. He sits up and looks around and quickly decides that he's not at home. Too clean, too empty.

He yawns and gets out of bed, feeling distinctly put off by the lack of anything interesting in this room at all. Of course, he'll fix that as soon as he figures out what the hell is going on here. He gives a final look around the room as he stands at the door frame, before stepping back into the hall.

Where he promptly trips over certain polka-dot bib wearing doggie who had come to inspect him. He lands flat on his back with a yelp and then ends up on the receiving end up of a face-licking.]

!canon update, father figure time

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