Single Awareness Day

Feb 14, 2008 12:08

Happy Single Awareness Day (S.A.D) also known as Valentines day to all those who belive in halmark... haha. Well have a happy one. This is where I really miss my close friends, that  I be sarcastic with. I miss making fun of my single status with those who understand...I'm flying out today to Costa Mesa so I get to see what it's like flying on the worlds 2nd most commerical hoilday (the first being christmas of course)..I bet the plane will be packed. Plus my plane takes off at 8pm, since that was the only time avilable besides 3am. Fun! No! Well, I'm driving up from Costa Mesa to my hometown this weekend, I'm moving boxes from the garage to a moving truck. UGH! On the bright side i'm in my hometown for a the weekend, and I'm getting my old car back! On the down side...I have to drive my car from Costa Mesa to Texas BYMYSELF. I'm not looking forward to four days of driving. I'm burning Cd's to listen to righ now. Oh, and I got an upgraded CD player..I finally gave in and listened to elevmuggle21. Wish me luck on my drive.
P.S. as a protest to Single Awareness Day, I myspaced all the people on my friends list who were single, and my good friends who were lucky enough to have someone...which took forever by the way..well a bit over an hour..damn slow internet. 

sad, single, v-day, single awareness day, driving, valentines

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