Sep 12, 2005 02:06
so my birthday was today. nothing special; went home, got presents, had cake. came back to school. people said happy birthday to me online, it was nice.
but i'll tell you what was really nice. i'd say i know 3 main groups of girls off the top of my head here at school. in order of the length of time i've known them: my roomate's (ex)girlfriend and her friends i met at the beginning of last year, the girls who lived above me which i met in the middle of the first semester last year, and the girls who i met in or through my english class in the last couple weeks of the second semester last year. now i would pose to you the question which one of these groups is most likely to come celebrate with me? (i don't expect guys to do such, so i'm not bothered by what they did or didn't do) you're average person would say the logical answer is the first group, which i've known the longest. followed by the second and then the third group. logic would dictate such to follow.
but here's how it actually breaks down. out of the first group 2 of them at two different times showed up and said happy birthday. both showed up for other reasons to start with. out of the second group 2 showed up together said happy birthday and gave me a brownie. they showed up for this reason. but the third group was different, interestingly enough... to me. all of them showed up together with an entire cake for me and a present. they stayed the longest out of all and i thoroughly enjoyed it.
out of the 3 encounters the third is by far the best. this goes to show it doesn't matter how long you've known a person, but really what kind of person they are.
the friends i appreciate most are the ones who appreciate me.