(no subject)

Feb 23, 2006 11:40

I'm at work right now and I have a lot to do but I'm really stressed out so I'm taking a break. My back feels like it's twisted in knots, but at least the snarling beast that lived in my head yesterday is gone. My fiancè's mom called me this morning to pray with me on the phone because of all the stuff that's going on concerning the wedding. The thing is that planning the wedding is like a vacation for me compared to work right now. I suppose that has a lot to do with the fact that as long as I'm married by the end of the day, I don't care how my wedding goes. I also don't feel very rushed. People say that a 3 month engagement is short, but I think that's plenty of time. We already have everything planned, now we just have to make it happen, and considering we don't want much that won't be hard at all. We're going to be done planning and organizing the event and then have 2 months to do nothing before the wedding.
As for work, well, I can't say what's stressing me out but lets just say I'm not feeling too cut out for my job at this point in time. The stuff that is going on isn't my fault, but I'm just not sure my sanity can handle being here. It's worse that it's a family business too. Anything that happens here is going to directly affect my life somehow, or else my mother's and step father's.
I found the perfect book the other day for people who have trouble sitting and reading the Bible. It's called "The Story." It uses text directly out of Today's New International Version but it cuts everything that isn't "story". That means no geneologies, you don't have to read pages and pages of rules, you just get the events and some proverbs. It's like getting the meat and potatoes but skipping on the green beans. In other words, this book is good, but it shouldn't replace your Bible. If you want a good overall view of the Bible in a format that makes it as hard to put down, and as easily manageable as a best selling novel then pick up this book.
Taking all of these problems I've been having in the last few weeks with my job, car, future plans, and so on, and thinking about placing them in God's hands brings to mind an image of my dog trying desperately to get his chew toy from under the easy chair but he can't get his nose under far enough so he just whimpers and whines and keeps trying to get it. I of course laugh at him for a while and watch in amusement until he gives me the puppy eyes that melt my heart and I reach under and get the toy for him. It's a dim shadow of what my relationship with God is like, but I think it's a decent example. The situation my dog is in is hopelessly frustrating for him. He literally can't do anything about it on his own, yet he tries and tries and tries, sometimes for quite a while before he asks me to do it for him, at which point I bend down and use faculties that he does not have to solve his problem for him with the greatest of ease. I thought that was an interesting analogy for how we try to deal with our own problems that we don't have the faculties to deal with when there is a God who can just reach under our chair and pull out our chew toy (so to speak.)
Then I also thought about how I laugh at the dog while he tries and I wonder if God does the same. I feel no genuine concern for the dog because I KNOW that I will solve his problem for him very shortly, but it's fun to watch him try and resolve it himself knowing full well that he can't.
So I think our lives would be less frustrating if we quit sticking our nose under the easy chair and instead jump straight into giving God the puppy eyes (so to speak.)

That's it for today. Later folks.
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