So little time...

Sep 09, 2004 20:52

Oh Wow. I haven't updated for like a month. I always have something else I should be doing. Blah.

Anyhow, school has started - a bit of a drag to be sure, but some good points I suppose.

My Classes: First period - American History with Monroe. The reports are disputed: Some say she's nice and a good teacher, some say she's OK, but a poor teacher, and still others claim that she is "the Devil and needs to give up teaching and breed pitt bulls". Hmmmm. As for my opinion, my first impression was that of an evil flight attendent persona. I hate how she treats us like infants with stupid procedures about where on the freaking desk to place our homework, how she paces the room like a hawk, and how she talks down to us from five feet high. (Not that I'm particularly tall but still...) From what I can tell thus far, she seems to have a sort of Napoleonic Complex. Excellant.

Second period - French Four with Madamoiselle Goodrow. Wow, stepping into "MADAME" (Sharack)'s room brought back a flood of some of the most disturbing memories of my life. Ones of public humiliation, insults ect. Luckily, this new teacher seems to posess a sense of humor! It is such a refreshing change from the bitter, angry ambiance of Sharack's classroom.

Third Period - Chemestry with Mrs. Noble. Ummm... hmmmm what shall I say? She seems to be a decent person, perhaps tired of teaching? She doesn't seem all that enthusiastic which is disappointing. I need enthusiastic teachers to make up for the complete lack of enthusism I have left in my burnt-out state of existance. However, she seems pleasant enough and we shall have to wait and see what sort of a teacher she is. It is too soon to say for sure about this class, but I am hopeful that it will be a good year.

Fourth Period - American Hisotry with Mr. De Sorgher. Um yeah, this class ruined my summer! But at least De Sorgher seems to be interested in his subject - he's the town historian. He seems to be a nice person too, and reasonable about things, like he didn't bite my head off cause I turned one of the summer essays in a few days late. I hear that this is a great class, so I am excited, though there will probably be so much work that jump off a cliff somewhere.

Fifth Period - Orchestra with Mrs. Foort. Mrs. Farley left, quite predictable as Mr. Olsen was pissing her off and she hated her schedule. This is perhaps for the best, cause she's almost certainly happier, and the stress was really getting to her. I wish she had told us though so I could have said goodbye :( Mrs. Foort seems like a nice person... we will see how good of a conductor she turns out to be. I have to practice so badly. I am way behind, and far worse than I was last year.

Sixth Period - Math with Mrs. Flanigan
Flanigan seems to be a good teacher, seems to know what she's doing for a change, and though I am quite behind in math at this point, I have the feeling that I am going to learn a lot in this class. I can focus so much better now that the class is quiet and paying attention, and the teacher follows a lesson plan. Mrs. Flanigan seemed a little irritating the first few days of school, and my neighbor has said that she's evil, but she seems nice enough to me. I have noted that she is looking a bit stout and I would not be surprised if she announces soon that she is going to have a baby. I just hope that we don't get saddled with an incompetant sub.

Seventh Period - AWS with Mr. Heller. Haha this is an awsome class. There are eight of us now, (it was six, then two more joined) and we work on improving our writing style and techniques. Heller is a good writer and a great person - he's so funny. We get to start each class with a game, either trivial pursuit, a mindtrap, the funny file, or a Heller story. He cracks jokes througout the class and the discussions are really interesting. This class will be a challenge I'm sure, as I don't love writing, and really don't like sharing and discussing, but I think I have a lot to gain from it, so I'll put in some effort. :)

Blah blah blah: FEILD TRIP FOR THE JUNIORS TOMOROW!!! I can't believe we are Juniors! Wow!
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