Hey, I've been meaning to make a list like this for a long time, so I figured now was a good time to do it.
This is a list of all the anime/j-dramas I've watched so far. I'll update it as often as I can, and I'm open to any suggestions if you know any good series~ Each series has a number next to it. This is my ranking of the anime from 1-10.
give me the book of friends )
Comments 9
Lol, Ouran! The ending was amazing, I like the anime more than the manga personally. And, I liked Soul Eater as well... I have got to watch Kimi ni Todoke. I love the manga, I just never got to the anime ;A; Haha, you know how I love HMC XD; (oh, btw, I read the book! Goodness, it was fantastic! :D)
Ah, you should watch Cardcaptor Sakura! Well, I love that one, though it was a while ago when I watched it. But, it's a really nice and sweet anime, so I guess that's my recommendation for you :)
I haven't finished the manga for Ouran, but I really want to, because it's such a nice series... forever one of my faves. I've been watching the J-drama for it, and I'm really enjoying it :3
Oh, I'm so glad you were able to read the book! What was your favorite part? :3
Oh, thanks for the suggestion! I've heard a lot of good things about that one, so I'll add that to the list!
No way, there's an Ouran drama?! :O how did I not know this D: /searchingforitnow
Hmm... I can't really name a favorite part, though I did really like the ending, especially when Sophie was held hostage by the Witch. I read it in such a rush though, so I definitely need to reread it~
And no problem! It's definitely a classic, in my opinion ^~^
YES! I downloaded it on BakaBT... So far it's been really fun. Maybe a little corny, but with Ouran, it's okay to be a little silly :3
That was an exciting scene! I preffered that to what they did with Wizard Sulivan in the Ghibli version, but I still love both.
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