OTP20in20 - Howl/Sophie

Dec 19, 2011 18:09

So, finally I finished my Howl/Sophie claim for otp20in20! I really cut it close this time... sorry mods <3
I've been on a Howl's Moving Castle high since the last time I made icons for it, so I decided to go ahead and do another one! Howl/Sophie is my ultimate OTP. The book and the animated movie are both amazing. The magical journey that Sophie takes has always sparked my imagination, and Howl's vanity and self-indulgent behavior never cease to amuse me. That of couse, is the book. The ghibli version of the series is beautiful, filled with the most lovely art that really fulfills the magical atmosphere in the book.

Christmas Carol2
Hidden Text4

Pickup Lines8
In the Cards9
Winter Stock10
Defining Moment


Artist's Choice1617181920

01 - From The Twelve Days of Christmas.
05 - This seems to be everyone's complaint for this theme... my handwriting is so ugly.
07 - Comedy seems to be my forte. As soon as I saw that image it was destined to be this icon.
08 - I found a card and then basically killed it to make this. It was so hard to do, and the icon version doesn't look nearly as nice as the fullsized card. Also, fun fact. I changed the heart blue because Calcifer turns blue in the ending scene. /shot
10 - I shipped Howl/Sophie the moment he took her for a little flight over the city.
11-15 - My terrible attempt at blocking... overall I'm actually pleased, but I realize that I didn't actually do "proper" blocking.
16-20 - Some of my favorite moments from the movie... and they all happen to be blue.

[x] If you take any of these icons, please credit cool_spectrum
[x] Comments are great, but I don't require them
[x] Please do not edit my icons in any way
[x] Please save icons to your own server
[x] Enjoy!

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2) Add a Keyword so you can find this icon easily when posting a comment or entry to your journal.
3) Under the "Comment:" section add "Credit goes to <strong><u>icon maker's username</u></strong>
4) Click the "Proceed" button.
5) There you go! You've just credited! The result will look like this:

If you want to make doubly sure it linked properly, go into your user info and click your userpics again.

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community: otp20in20, !icon post, anime/manga: howl's moving castle

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