
Dec 30, 2000 11:04

Crediting me for my icons is important! Not just because I work hard to make them, but because it allows other people to find me and my graphics! If you don't know how, here's a quick step-by-step guide to help you out!

1) Add desired icon to your userpics!
2) Add a Keyword so you can find this icon easily when posting a comment or ( Read more... )

!how to credit, !resources

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Comments 3

miffedplatypus July 26 2013, 04:12:07 UTC
Hey hun, just thought I'd let you know that it appears that both Anime Paper and Aethereality have gone kaput. :(


cool_spectrum July 26 2013, 04:16:57 UTC
Ugh, I really need to update this poor old thing... I guess I'll add that to my "To Do" list XD


miffedplatypus July 26 2013, 04:36:23 UTC
I need to do the same with mine. :-/ ^^;


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