Jun 21, 2005 21:36
IT'S FINALLY OVERRRR...I WENT THROUGH THE MATH FINALLL..and you know what? it was easy lol...i think i got either a low a or a high b....i have to go on friday to find out though. all i have left is raushubers and saghafis...it's funny cuz my schedule consists of a hard final and an easy one each day
tudesday: math and spanish
wednesday: history and english
thursday: life skills and science
oh yeah..and i got a new nineteen inch monitor HELL YEAH
btw, here are just some phrases i'm obsessed with at the moment:
1. hi everyone, my name is mr. shneebly, but you can call me SHNAAAY BLAAAAY hahahahah
2. a little bit of this (stick butt in air to the left), and little bit of that (stick butt in air to the right), get crackin in the club (swing butt all around)