Well, I'm off to Toronto and Montreal for a little vacation/family time. So I'll just borrow a July 14th NY Times "Op-Ed" article - that rings so true. Hope you all are enjoying the summer. I certainly am - although I'm still struggling with this mouthful of new teeth ('teef') ... when I ask Sandra for a spoon - it comes out "fpoon". Dammit
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(Silly Maureen. We don't demand gingham dresses.)
Krugman's smugness doesn't really bother me -- after all, I'm a member of the generation that idolizes, uh, Jon Stewart -- but his tendency to ask the wrong questions or none at all about serious problems is precisely what I detest about pundits on all sides. For example -- and I'm referring to more his columns in general than this specific one -- I think we can all agree that the presence of a lot of people below a certain income threshold at which a decent life can no longer be purchased is a Bad Thing. While it would be worthwhile to ask how these people could be made more productive, Krugman would rather harp on "wealth gaps," "high-level corporate executives" and "Bush" while the praise from (potentially even smugger) NYT readers rolls on in.
I had that 'evil grin' again as I posted Krugman - Have a great summer, Colin :-)
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