Name: Courtney
Location:Des Moines,Washington
Religion: christan
Bands/Singers:Saves the day, Matchbook romance
Movies:Armagedon, Face Off
Size Envelope:The long skinny ones.
If you could be any kitchen utensil or appliance what would you pick and why?A pan, because I would be sizzling hot and I woud be used to cook delicious food.
What is your opinion on drugs/drinking/any other illegal substance of any sort?I dont use drugs or drink and i think other people shouldn't either, but im not going to Judge people by it. And I'm not going to pressure people to stop.
Gay marriage/homosexuality----for or against? Please explain WHY.I'm not against it at all. If gay men and women want to be married they should have that right. They should have the same rights as everyone else and not be treated like they are some freaks. If they want to be married or if they just want to be homosexual they should be able to without being criticized.
Which teacher at your school would you most likely want to have an affair with? Yes affair. PLEASE GIVE DETAILS!!!Well I would have to say Mr Steele. He was my health teacher.He's the stud. If we had an affair we would go somewhere tropical for our getaway then marry and move to europe.
Do you believe in pre-marital sex? (Ignore the affair you just had btw) Also, do you believe in contraception (i.e., condoms, birth control, etc). Yes, I believe in pre-marital sex. Just if you use contraception and know the consequences of not using protection.
Why do you think we should accept you into cool_lyke_whoa?Because I am cool like woah.
Pictures: Please post at LEAST 4 pictures along with your application. You have to be HOT as well as COOL. =)