Oct 06, 2008 19:12

I've been inspired by many a bento blog, and by my own personal finances, to start packing lunches every day.

It's been about two weeks, and so far my results are successful! Every day I go out, do my thing, and am carrying enough to feed myself while I'm away from home. It's tasty, meets my dietary desires, and best of all, it's cheap! If I can do this year round, I will save the kind of money to let me do something awesome! Chocolate Odwalla Soy Protein shake? Meet giant tub of powder which combined with an equivalent volume of milk, costs 1/2 to 3/4 cheaper. Deli sandwich? Meet Jen's Tastier sandwich.

I'm stoked, it's created a personal routine for me where every day has a victory awaiting me.

Some might be thinking 'Oh, Jen's crafty, her lunch boxes must be fancy and fun to look at!' Oh I wish. Nope, habit comes first, technique next, fancifulness last. Maybe I'll make something special for a holiday, but the truth is I have alot of gear to buy for fancy bento and not much kitchen space to annex for it, as well. Maybe I should get another ArtBin case and make it my 'Bento Toolbox'.

Also, a random Comic Books Thought: I don't think I'm gonna care about Daredevil again until someone gives the book to Andrew Vachss for at least 4 issues.
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