Graphic post #017

Sep 11, 2006 16:45

In remembrance of 2001...

6 icons
3 banners
4 buttons

1 2


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2


1 2

3 4

I don't live in the USA and I didn't lose anyone who's familiar to me on that day, but I'm very sorry for those who lost someone.
I can't even imagine what I would have done if that had happened to me or my family.
I know I can't make it better by writing this, but I hope it will be better some day.

cool_graphix when using
comment when taking
don't claim anything as your own
don't hotlink
feel free to FRIEND the comm(you cannot join)

Affiliates; Awards; Font Guide; Resources

goodies: button, goodies: banner, stocks: wtc

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