
Jul 10, 2007 09:34

Well, well~ This is certainly an...interesting change of sorts. I can't really say I mind, though; at least thing time I have my conscience. Still, I do miss the times Nephry and I spent trying to develop weapons of mass destruction... But you can't have everything, I suppose♥

Luke, Guy. Dare I ask if you're faring any better~?

satsuma, mieu, guy, nephry, luke

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mieu_fire July 10 2007, 16:39:57 UTC
Jade,desu no.. You're a girl too, desu no?


cool_colonel July 10 2007, 16:51:37 UTC
So it would seem~ It appears you didn't escape the full effects of this either, Mieu.


mieu_fire July 10 2007, 16:53:25 UTC
Mieuuu.. I don't like being a girl, it's really weird, desu no ;_;


cool_colonel July 10 2007, 16:54:27 UTC
Aaah, that's right. You've never changed genders, have you? It must be quite the experience.


mieu_fire July 10 2007, 17:01:44 UTC
Jade, you've turned into a girl before, desu no?


cool_colonel July 10 2007, 17:07:06 UTC
Oh, but of course. I became a female demon, you see. No conscience whatsoever. It was quite fun, really.


mieu_fire July 10 2007, 17:09:54 UTC
Really, desu no?


cool_colonel July 10 2007, 17:12:52 UTC


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