Aug 11, 2008 13:37
Note: sorry for all of these long entries. I just get lazy and don’t update until I have a lot to say which leads to me just rambling on and on forever.
Okay, so it’s been a while since I’ve updated, and I guess a lot has happened since then. I don’t remember everything and I should have written it down but I will try to put down as much as possible. This is one of the reasons why I like having a blog because I have such a horrible memory and this definitely helps with jogging it. Oy, my keyboard is sticky for some reason. There were a few weekends that were of note that I will just mention briefly. The weekend of the 2nd I went to Dave’s for his going away/graduation party (Oh yes, I forgot to mention that my boyfriend is going to Korea for an entire year to teach English. But I will not comment on that now.). That was fun except I got kinda drunk early but sobered up as the night went on. I don’t think I embarrassed myself in front of Dave’s family. At least I hope I didn’t. Oh yeah, the Friday before that party I moved into my new place which I talk about later in this entry. A couple weekends before that I went to Allyson’s new place which is really cool. We did the usual stuff like bowling and Bingo and going to our favorite restaurants and whatnot. I think that’s all I can think of right now. Oh yeah the weekend in between those two weekends previously mentioned I went to the Cape with Dave and that was fun as it usually is.
Anyways, so at the beginning of August I moved into my new place and so far I love it. I have two roommates, Aspen and Julia. They are both originally from Texas but they don’t really have accents and Aspen has lived in New England for a while now so hers is kinda muddled. Both of them are really cool and respectful which are good qualities to have in roommates. I haven’t lived with anyone since sophomore year of college and I didn’t like any of my roommates in college so it’s refreshing to live with people you actually like and have stuff in common with. Julia is only going to be there until the end of August because she is moving in with her sister, but there have been a few people that came to look at her room and soon Aspen and I hope we will have another roommate because we really like splitting the rent three ways. Last night a girl came to look at the place and it seemed like she was interested. She brought her whole family to look at apartments for the day and I guess they had looked at like six places before ours and said that ours was the best. So we shall see. Anyways, I shall write a little about the place. It’s a three bedroom (obviously) and my room is the biggest but also the most expensive but it was still such a good price for Boston apartments. I have cable in my room too which adds to the extra price but it’s so worth it. The house is filled with animals, there are two dogs (a Bull Mastiff named Omega and a long-haired Chihuahua named Hotei. They are on the opposite sides of the size spectrum for dogs and it’s so cute to see them both together.), two cats, and two birds. They are all Aspen’s animals and they are all very well behaved which is good because I love animals but only if they are well behaved. Dave’s brother’s dog is another story. The one downside is that the area where I live (right around Fields Corner in Dorchester. Yes, start running and screaming now I won’t be offended.) is not the best in the world, and you have to take special precaution when walking at night but both of my roommates have cars and I can borrow Omega if I ever need to walk alone at night, and let me tell you that no one wants to get close to him.
Anywhoodle enough about my place, I’ll talk last about my weekend which was pretty good. On Saturday I hung out with my sister and we went shopping and went to see Batman which I had already seen but didn’t mind seeing it again because I thought it was really good. Then on Sunday Aspen and I went to this bar in Cambridge called the Middle East. It was really cool and they had belly dancers for entertainment and their food was pretty good and cheap. They also had the Flobots playing downstairs and a lady tried to sell us tickets but we didn’t want to pay so after a while she gave them to us for free so we decided to check it out. I only knew that one song “Handlebars” but it was a free show so how can you pass that up. They were almost done with their set but we got to hear four or five songs and they were very good but very political and I’m not big into political stuff. All-in-all they put on a good show and I will possibly buy their CD now. So that was my weekend and now I’m bored at work, and I can’t wait to get home because I am not feeling very good right now and I really need to lie down. Oh well, less than four hours to go. Alright, that’s it for now.