Feb 02, 2008 01:43
Hello everyone! Quick update post on all things teacher steph related! Hizzah.
So this week has been 'back to school' week and it's been quite good. Tuesday I met other teacher people and my HOD who's really nice, other people in my staffroom (2 who love Doctor Who which makes me very happy), and an assortment of other stuff
Wednesday was my first day with the kids, and they seem pretty good kids. I have a year 8 form class so I see them everyday for bout 10mins in the morning.
I also have 5 other year 8 classes, 3 materials and 2 systems, plus a year 9 class, and 2 year 11 classes, and that's it.
So far I've had 2 year 8 classes and they've both been very very VERY chatty but hopefully they won't be too much of a handful throughout the semester.
My year 9's are quite good - hopefully the work i've set up for them will work as a unit (we're making kites!!!! i'm really excited)
And lastly my year 11's, this will be rather a challange for me I can see that happening, but hopefully all will go well with them and their assessment.
but...so far so good...i haven't failed yet...and i'm having fun (despite the 3am bed time i had on thursday morning due to me writting the year 9's work unit then)
but i am glad it's the weekend...watched torchwood this evening...oooooh so hot
HOT I TELLS YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!