Jun 02, 2004 17:11
everything is constantly spiraling towards chaos and disorder. why fight it? it seems to me that at a certain point, chaos becomes order.
i must take this time to issue an apology to rachael fogle. she was not the perpetrator who melted my honey bottle. it was the Liz fox. still funny as hell regardless.
i heard "party like it's 1999" by prince last night, while stoned, and i wish i could. high school could've been way better, but i didn't allow it to be. until a certain point in my life i never allowed myself to enjoy it or take advantage of opportunities. i've been scared most of my life of life itself, and in a way i still am. i'm hoping the big step of going to amsterdam will help change that.
however, could i change the past, i don't think i would. it's my belief that everything you've done in your life has made you the person you are. i'm pretty much happy with the way things are going, at least i think i am, so i really can't have regrets.
i was supposed to go to the gym today, but i opted instead to sit on my porch and smoke cigarettes.
sometimes i wish i could just drive to boston, seattle, or some other remote city, change my name to cornelius and work in a music store. people listen to a guy named cornelius, how can you not? it's probably a rule or something.
::::Marla's philosophy of life, I later found out, was that she could die
at any moment. The tragedy of her life was that she didn't::::