Oct 06, 2004 00:13
So I think today's event is probably one of the weirdest things to happen to me, and believe me I've seen some weird shit. I'm at work when all the sudden some guy comes and is like "I'm looking for an Erik Kitter." and I say "That's me" bewildered because I have never seen the man but I figured he was just needing some help with something. So he walks up to me on the other side of the counter and reaches into his leather jacket and pulls out an envelop, hands it to me, and leaves. This reminded a lot of the end of Back to the Future 2, but anyways. The front of the envelop had my name and "it's game time!" along with a fish, all of this was in that ransom note style where stuff is cut out of magazines. On the other side of the envelop it has a crying baby and a box of puffs kleenex. So I open the letter and well here is my best description of what it says:
I have your hat (off to the side it says "Don't be square. Kids and booze Don't make this mistake")
(then as a side note after saying they have my hat it says "It's a keeper") Friday at 10 PM It got you into this situation. It can get you out. Yell Why im voting for John Kerry There is no substitute. (Then off to the side it has a picture of John Kerry and it says "If I were President...." then slanted next to the dots it says "secrets" "
Then on the back i says "Life as you know it is about to change." Then it has a little girl with her mouth covered and a boy looking shocked and underneath the little boy it says "fighting words"
I have no idea who sent this to me, but they do know my name and I assume they know I like John Kerry and I also they know where I work. The problem in solving this isn't who I think would do this, because frankly I know too many people who would. So I guess until Friday and 10PM things shall remain a mystery.