Midst of mugging

Apr 17, 2012 21:19

I honestly think I've been studying every single day apart from the weekends that I'm home. Officially sick of school and hall and all the studying. I cant wait to go Shanghai and venture around.

Meanwhile, Im super giannnnnn to do some online shopping to relieve some stress but I know I have better use for the money eg. Shanghai trip, touring around, food food food and Bangkok. Well, shopping can be done there then I suppose.

It's really depressing when I realise how much I don't know about the modules I'm studying at this point in time... I was just thinking, with my poor mid-terms and quizzes, it's highly impossible for me to pull up my GPA as planned. So what's the point of studying! I should just get a ~ GPA, work as an auditor somewhere somehow for a year or two, then be a good housewife.

Maybe I should spend more time exploring make-up to look pretty and recipes to cook well :)

Oh... and I like you. I want you. But I don't know how long these feelings will sustain. I'm scared. And you don't give me any security in the sense, I feel you dont want me enough... and thus. The end.

Okay back to Accounting again... I have a sad life. 
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