Audio Audio Audio

May 22, 2008 12:27

two lots. om nom nom nom

live show

dream big

i still haven't found what i'm looking for

the world i know


time of my life

david and jason...johnny and baby. i'm not going to lie, that's how it's working in my mind.
clearly i let the result be known to me, it would have made my life a little difficult if i hadn't. although when el franno woke up this morning i said 'oh, david won!' then realised that was a stupid thing to say. although rarely do we refer to foetus as david, so it was ok.

anyway, my little cherubim, i know we haven't dealt with the last scenario contest yet, but if y'all fancy writing out some scenarios which take place between the end of the show and the following morning...well that would be just wonderful to read. a finale scenario special, if you will.



music: ai studio, american idol, ooohmods!, music: ai live, scenario contest

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