Fic: Deep Penetration XIII

Dec 22, 2008 22:36

Deep Penetration XIII

Disclaimer:  Absolutely nothing is real.

Chapter Rating: PG-13
Summary:  David Cook is a special Ops agent from the Narcotics Task Force sent to Columbia to bring down one of the country's most notorious drug lords.
Warnings:  Adult content including adult language, alcohol addiction, sex, non-con, violence, death, and the list continues. This chapter does not contain slash.
Author's Notes: Not much to say other than Happy Holidays! I hope everyone has a safe holiday season. Oh, and if you haven't already done so, download Jason Castro's 'White Christmas'. It's a gift from Jason, himself. And while you're at it, check out the 'I am Second' videos. The boy is so beautiful in every way possible. Also, check out videos of his Tulsa performances here. Okay, so I lied. I do have a lot to say. Happy Holidays!

Affiliates:      Castrofics -This website is a labor of love for me so please check it out and become a member to enjoy all the benefits Castrofics has to offer.  By joining, you can help encourage more authors to post stories for you to enjoy. So, it's a win-win situation for everyone. -not really mine, but do visit and play his music so the big wigs in the music industry can see the light and realize that Jason Castro can sell albums and tickets.
                     Jason's Official Website -Check out the official Jason Castro’s site.

Deep Penetration XIII

As anticipated the black Bentley steered onto the gravel country road toward Saint Helena. Yeager strolled across the main road leading straight ahead to the school and planted his boot clad feet firmly on the gravel road.  He lit up a cigarette and waited for the car to appear in the distance.  He drew out his gun and aimed directly for the driver of the car. With the language barrier, sometimes it was difficult for Yeager to express himself among his predominantly Latino colleagues. A gun directed between the eyes would not be lost in the translation, however.

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