Shadow over my love [1/?]

Sep 27, 2008 19:37

Something heavy leant against the main gates of AndersonHigh School. Big drops of rainwater hit the person’s brown, which faded into blonde, hair as they fell from the growling, cloud-covered sky. The dreadlocked hair was matted down against his forehead as he allowed the storm’s wind to toy with his wet locks. His body trembled against the cold, as he clutched the jumpsuit closer to him, squeezing his cerulean eyes shut in hope of blocking the morning’s chill. It had yet to strike 7 in the morning thus indicating why the sky was so dark and gloomy despite the rain. But despite the situation, he stood by the gates, which offered no shelter, waiting. Waiting for him.

It was moments before 7 in morning, when a slender, imported, posh car pulled up at the gates. The unique car halted, its engine’s hum soothing the young boy. The car glimmered against the rain and the street lights making it look classy as the car screamed out experience in the most obvious ways. The door opened with a crisp click, a buffed shoe stepped out before the whole body immerged. The boy was dressed in a crisp piece of school uniform, which looked as if it had never been touch before. The boy slung his school bag over his left shoulder before slamming the car door shut.

The new arrival’s eye shot a piecing glance at the drenched boy through his brown eyes. Such intense gaze, made the younger boy blush as he looked down to hide his tinted cheeks. The glance had made him uncomfortable. He looked so odd standing in front of the raven, as his hideous jumpsuit looked unworthy in front of the other’s fresh uniform. Unconsciously, his hand slipped into the unruly mess of hair, trying to tame after comparing it with the raven’s gelled and styled hair.

The rich boy did not give any further attention to the waiting boy as he headed into the school building, to prevent himself from getting wet. As soon as he stepped into the building, the boy followed like a loyal dog. It had been like for this for a the past few months as the boy would wait for the raven, once the raven arrives, the raven would walk into the school with the boy following without a word and they would head to their area, where the raven would grab the boy’s collar and slammed his lips against the other’s.

And this was exactly what was taking place in their area. They were pressed up against each other, limbs entangled, lips connected. Their kisses would become deeper, more intoxicating and more exciting by the passing moment, until they had to break free to become acquaintances with oxygen again. They came up for air, their faces flushed and a hue of pink decorating their cheeks.

After their little act of affection and adoration, the raven placed his heat-radiating palm on the younger boy’s cheeks gently, stroking it slowly while talking to him in a hushed voice.

“Why were you standing in the rain?” the older boy questioned the boy, who was now clad in his school uniform after throwing away his jumpsuit which he was wearing over his uniform.

The boy being questioned simply shrugged in reply and snuggled into the other, absorbing the heat that the boy gave off, soaking it up greedily, in order to cover himself from the cold that the weather brought. The raven sighed, a warm smile spreading on his stoic face due to his young lover’s antics.

“I have to go now, Kristy is waiting for me,” the dark-haired boy explained, breaking their contact with each other. The light-haired boy whined in response but before he could protest the older one fixed him with a glare which said that he did not need that right now.

The dark-haired male exited, but reluctantly, without sparing the boy another glance as he mixed into the crowd. The boy followed the suit moments later, trying his best not to look suspicious. He also fell in the crowd of students that had arrived since they had been occupied. The blonde noticed from the corner as his lover exchanged words with his fellow friends as a blonde haired girl latched on his lover, engaging his hand in a death grip. The boy growled in his throat as he prevented the green monster of jealously coming out of its lair as he tried to focus on something else other than the fact that his boyfriend was holding hands with some girl.

Yes, it was true, the teen was the boy’s boyfriend but it was not a fact that everyone knew about. It was secret between the two lovers. His boyfriend was known as David Cook, studying in year 3, graduating in nine months, and a much respected student of the student population as the school president. If anyone was given a chance to be anyone they would want to be, David Cook would not fail to top the list as he had what every student would want. As a student, David excelled in every subject, getting distinctions in every topic, and as a sportsman, David worked hard until he managed to clinch the position of the school’s soccer team’s captain. David also came from a prestigious family, where he was raised in a nurturing environment. Wasn’t he the dream guy of every girl, a role model for every boy? Apparently, quite not. The only thing that refrained him from being perfect was the fact that he was in love with a male drop out of the school.

The said drop out was none other than Jason Castro, studying in year 1, graduating was far from his goals as he successfully managed to fail every subject available. Despite his lack of interest in studies, he wasn’t much of a bad player when it came to soccer but he low grades and results prevent him from getting into the team. Jason was also the one of average looks and had a hard time stealing hearts unlike his heart throb boyfriend, who broke and stole hearts with his little pinky. Jason came along with his bubbly attitude but despite this benefit, he belonged to the outcast of the school due to his stoner reputation. However this was not the only flaw that the blonde had but also the fact that he was in love with a popular guy who was 2 years older than him.

However, both had set aside all odds and brought up the guts to confess. After the successful confession, the boys secretly dated, not wanting anyone to be aware of this as they knew this relationship could cause a lot of damage, mostly to David, who had a reputation to manage and girlfriend to take of care and not only that, his parents would never allow such a thing. But despite the challenges the boys had made it this far before being caught and tried to remain that way.

The school bell rung, indicating homeroom period as students went in and out of hallways and corridors as David, brushed past Jason, still connecting hands with the blonde girl who was giggling at something that David had said as Jason leaned in to listen to their conversation as they walked by.

“Oh, that is so sweet, David!” the girl cooed, snuggling into David.

“Whatever, you say, sweetie,” David said, smiling down at the beautiful girl.

Jason growled deep in throat, where he was hiding, as his balled his fist in rage, tears pricking the corner of his eyes. David had never addressed him as “sweetie” or anything of that sort, so why her, when he didn’t even like the girl. Sometimes, Jason really doubted the love that David showed.

But before he could contemplate his thoughts further, a cold hand came in contact with his shoulder. Jason turned around, shocked and hoping that the other had not realized that he was spying on David.

“Jason, stop looking at Kristy. You know it very well that she is has a boyfriend and you stand no chance against him so why look at her?” Chikezie spoke, concerned. Jason simply shook his head and followed his friends to homeroom all the while thinking ‘it is not Kristy I am in love with, it is the boyfriend of hers’

End notes:
Hope you guys enjoyed this! TBC.

rating: pg-13, author: ayusama, fics, fics: au

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