(no subject)

Sep 14, 2008 22:43

“The dazzling American Idol LIVE! Tour 2008 has just ended and it’s a crazy party down here,” A reporter enthusiastic spoke to the camera in front of her as the idols gave interviews after the final set.

She trotted over where David Cook and Jason Castro were speaking to another interviewer.

“Good evening, boys, how’s it going?” she asked, chirpily, grinning as the camera focused on the two idols and the reporter.

“Well, it has been wild wild party,” David answered, his arms automatically draping across Jason’s shoulder.

“And you Jason?” the reporter, prompted.

“Hmm, it has been reaaaally conflicting. I mean, er, there is one point of time where you are completely overwhelmed with the fans and their loud response but at times, you kinda miss home,” Jason answered, having gotten pretty good at giving interviews.

“Aw, I know how it feels. So, guys, what’s up next?” she asked, shoving the microphone towards the American Idol.

“I have nearly done up most of my album, just touches here and there and we would be realizing it soon,” David answered, a lop-sided smirk in place.

“And, Mr. Castro?” she said, shifting the mic.

“Hmmm, still working on the songs, hard to get inspiration now days with such tight schedules,” Jason replied, winking at David.

The reporter gave a hearty laugh, “So, where next?”

“Back to LA, hometown of business,” David said with a short sigh, “We are planning to buy a house there soon, about time we settle,”

“Of course, with the engagement and all, it’s going to be time-consuming and would be better if we are at the same place though I really wanted to go back home,” the reporter gave an understanding nod at Jason’s answer.

“So, how are the other idols coping with you two engaged,” the reporter asked, raising a brow.

David laughed, “Not too bad, not too bad. In fact, many of them are engaged as well like Syesha, Kristy, they have their own weddings to manage. However, Michael Johns here, he is our best man,”

“Oh, sounds exciting, so when you guys came out, was it as much of a shocker to the idols as it was to us?” the reporter questioned.

“Nah. Not so much. I mean, David here is like the total opposite of subtle. We technically didn’t come out, they kinda found us out,” Jason said, shrugging a little.

“Well we thought that this season was going to a boring one with no idol romances. And then you two came out and blew us away,” the reporter commented, “So, erm, just to ask, any haters on you guys?”

“I mean, we would probably get that. Jason’s groupies were bawling,” David joked as Jason laughed a little.

“But hey, David could fend off his groupies now!” Jason teased back, emphasizing on the word, ‘his’.

“Ha-ha, but besides that, of course, there were some who were not pleased at all. Family and friends, you know how it is. But it’s all good now,” David said, smiling.

“I am glad it worked out. I wish you guys all the best for you future. You two are just so cute. See ya,” the reported said her good-byes and left.

“Hmm, tight schedule and lack of inspiration huh, Castro? Guess, I have to show you real inspiration,” David said as he lifted Jason into his arms bridal style as soon as the reporter left, taking him to the nearest private place to show him some inspiration.

rating: pg-13, author: ayusama, fics

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