(no subject)

Aug 24, 2008 22:32

Title: Short skirts and ribbons

Author: ayusama

Pairing: Cookstro

Rating: PG-15!

Summary: This time the prank's on Jason.

Warning: Cross-dressing!

A/N : The silence in Cookstro got deafening! >

“That idiot Michael! Thought he could get away with this, huh?” Carly snarled as she stomped towards the boys’ changing room with Syesha in tow with her.

“Carly! We aren’t even supposed to be here, this is the boy’s changing room plus you don’t even know which is Michael locker!” Syesha hissed to Carly in fear of getting caught.

“Well, if we are quick enough, no one could catch us and moreover, I don’t think you are happy with you blue hair,” Carly replied and pulled Syesha’s strand of blue hair as an emphasis while pushing her own red hair out of her way. Syesha scowled in response but pushed Carly to hurry up.

“Damn, I have a slight clue which Michael’s locker is but I don’t think I am sure,” Carly said as she tried to remember which locker belonged to Michael.

“Oh, nevermind about that but we better hurry up, I think the boys are coming out, I hear noises,” Syesha hurried Carly as she randomly reached over to open a locker, hoping that it belonged to Michael.

“Are you sure this is Michael’s locker?” Carly questioned as she hesitantly took out everything from the locker before putting a package into it.

“I am not sure but let’s just test our luck because I am sure I rather risk this than being caught,” Syesha explained and shut the locker and the two of them hurried out of the changing room.


“Hum-hmmm, hum-hmmm,” Jason hummed as he stepped out of the steaming shower, a lose towel hanging around his slim waist. All the boys seemed to have left, he noticed. But he couldn’t blame himself; the hair took a long time to get cleaned.

He opened his locker to clothe himself but his hand came in contact with a package instead. A little note was attached to the package.

Carly is not red

Syesha is not blue

Haha! This time we have got you!

Jason made a confused face at the piece of paper before looking into the package. He looked inside the package to find a ladies button down shirt, a black plated skirt, silk girl underwear, stockings and heeled shoes. Jason gasped at the attire. Where had his clothes disappeared to?

He searched his locker to find his clothes but none of them were there. The usually calm boy started to panic a bit as he noticed that he was running late to interview and the fact that he could not find any of his clothes.

Jason turned to look at the evil package wearily....


Jason tugged his skirt downwards, that piece of clothing barely went down his thighs. He took the package into his hand, covering his face before he opened the door of the changing room and started to trot down the hallway.

His figure could easily make him look like a girl but his hair...might pose a problem.

He trotted into the room where the idols were mingling with the fans or engaging with the interviewers. He peeked above the package hoping to find the nearest exit and rush to the buses. But the nearest exit was right across the room to his luck and what was worse, he saw Michael approaching him. Michael would never let him live this down.

“Hello, miss, you seem lost, can I help you?” Michael asked with his thick Australian accent.

“Erm,” Jason started in his usual voice and when he realized his mistake coughed to hide it, “Where are the washrooms?” He faked a feminine voice.

“Oh, they are right over there, miss,” Michael answered, eying the lady’s body despite himself.

“Thank you,” Jason replied meekly, his face still hidden by the package.

‘Why does she look so familiar?’ Michael questioned himself.

Jason rushed over to the washrooms, hurrying into the gents. He opened the doors, running inside and bumping into someone’s rock hard chest.

“Oh, damn, are you alright miss?” the gruff voice asked.

“Erm, yeah,” Jason squeaked, almost revealing his identity.

“Jason...is that you?” the rough voice, belonging to David Cook, asked. Without waiting for a reply, David took the package forcefully out of Jason grasp, revealing his face.

“Da-david, it is not what it looks like,” Jason protested, tugging at his short skirt.

“Whoo,” David whistled as he studied Jason. “I didn’t know you were into cross-dressing. I mean, sure you looked like a girl but I didn’t know you wanted to be one,”

“No, I don’t wanna be a girl! It was all Carly and Sy-” Jason started by was cut off as David slapped his ass.

“Ouch! David!!” Jason yelled as David smirked.

“Sure, you look damn hot. I mean, I know I am straight but you don’t have you go to the extent of dressing as a girl to get my attention, you could have just said and I could have reconsidered my sexuality,” David said, all the while, he had a look of a hungry tiger.

“It’s not what it seems like, Dav-” Jason started off once again but this time he was cut off by David pressing his lips to his.

“Nghhhh,” Jason groaned into the kiss as David’s hands reached down to his bottoms.

“Jasonnn,” David moaned between the kiss, lifting up Jason’s skirt.

“Hey David, why are you taking so.... long...?” Michaels entered the gents, his sentence breaking off mid-way as his eyes widened at the scene.

Jason squeaked, hiding his face in David’s neck, his hands around his shoulders. David’s hands automatically wound them around Jason waist, holding him close.

“Shit. Sorry. I think I interrupted something,” Michael said, inching away from the washroom.

As soon as Michael was out of room, David realized Jason from his grip.

“I don’t think we are over yet,” David said as he lifted the other boy into arms bridal styles before walking out of the room and straight to the buses.

All the while as Jason hid his face into David’s chest as people whispered amongst each other wondering who this girl was.

“Hey, Sy, isn’t that the skirt that we...” Carly asked as she nudged Syesha.

“...it is...” she grasped.

Hope you like!

author: ayusama, fics, rating: pg-15

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