(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 09:14

Title: I am not a girl
Pairing: Cookstro, do I even need to say?
Rating: G
Disclaimer: David and Jason do not belong to me. They belong to each other.
Summary: Young! David and Jason
Word Count: 1948 words

NOTE: I have no clue what’s david’s mum’s name is [Not so stalker], lets just call her Anna alright? Oh, and most importantly! Jason is a year younger than David, okie?

“Don’t worry, Sweetie, he wouldn’t be too much of a trouble. He seems like a sweet-heart.” Betsy assured Anna.

“Thank you so much, Betsy. I hope he doesn’t cause too much mischief,” Anna replied, in a bit of a hurry as she was needed somewhere.

“You go do your thing. Leave David to me, I promise he is in safe hands,” Betsy promised Anna, giving her arm a gently reassuring squeeze.

“Thank you so, so much,” Anna said gratefully, giving Betsy a semi-hug and then, bending down to David, kissing him on the cheek and asking him to behave before rushing out of the door.

“Come on, David, make yourself home,” Betsy said as he led the six-year-old David Cook into the house by his shoulders.

“Jason! Michael! Come and see who is here!” Betsy called out to his two sons, wanting them to meet David and make friends with him.

Footsteps could be heard stomping down the flight of stairs in hurry as the duo literally tumbled into the living room.

“COMING MOM!” a shrill voice answered at which David cringed slightly at.

A five year old accompanied by a four-year old ran up to their mum, each one hugging one leg. The hair of the older one had been tied up into a pony-tail secured by a ribbon while the younger one’s black hair remained matted to his forehead to which David gave a puzzled look at.

“David, meet Jason and Michael,” Betsy said as soon as the two stopped hugging her and were standing in front looking at David curiously.

“You mean, Jassy and Michael? She is a girl, right?” David asked, pointing his finger towards Jason.

“Am not a girl!” Jason exclaimed feeling insulted. “I am a boy!!!!” he shrieked, contradicting his own sentence by his feminine voice.

“Well, you look and sound like one!” David taunted, a smirk playing in his lips.

“Why you!” Jason exclaimed in rage.

“Boys, boys, break it up,” Betsy laughed at their antics. “Now, come on, Jason, why don’t you bring David to your room while I put Michael to bed for a nap,” she instructed at which Jason growled.

With that, Betsy took a protesting Michael to bed, leaving the two boys to their own aid.

“Why did you tie your hair up?” David asked, curiously.

“Because it was too long,” Jason replied, still cross at David for calling him a girl.

“You could have cut it,” David supplied.

“No! I would never cut my hair,” Jason replied, unconsciously clutching his hair in a protective manner.

“You are a strange kid,” David chuckled to which Jason pouted.

“Wanna go to my room?” Jason offered since his anger has been washed away.

“Sure,” David shrugged.


“So, what stuff do you have?” David asked, settling comfortably on Jason’s bed which wore a light blue bed sheet.

“Oh! Jus’ the other day I made something, lemme show you!” Jason said excitedly.

Jason skipped over to his toy box, bending over to dig out his new toy.

“Ta-da!” Jason sang as he shoved a so-called guitar in front of David. The body was made of an empty kleenex box with rubber bands around it while the neck of the guitar was made of a used kitchen towel roll.

David looked at it, impressed. Not by the quality of the guitar but the creativity of the boy.

“That’s cool, can you play it?” David asked. Jason strummed once but it only sounded like plucking rubber bands against cardboards.

“Heh,” Jason said as he scratched the back of his neck as the awful sound come out. “Mommy promised to buy me one from the toy store when I turn six!” he added, turning happy again.

“My older brother has a real one,” David said, dreamily, wanting one himself.

“I wanna play guitar and sing when I get older,” Jason exclaimed, flopping down onto his bed with David.

“Oh, me too. I want my own band!” David replied eagerly as the two of them dreamed about the future.

“Wanna colour?” Jason asked, getting off the bed and fetched his colour book.

“Colour? That’s so childish,” David laughed at Jason.

“It’s not childish,” Jason stomped his feet, searching for his crayons.

“It is but whatever. I have my crossword puzzle book with me,” David said, getting off the bed as well, joining Jason who had set his colouring tools on the wooden floor.

“Whoa. Puzzle Book? I never really understood them anyway,” Jason commented, chucking his colour book and taking out a sketch pad instead.

“What’s another word for....nasty?” David asked, testing Jason.

“David,” Jason replied absentmindedly, while drawing.

David doubled over with laugher. “You are just so cruel to me, Jason,”

“Hmph.  Look what I drawed!” Jason said, tearing the paper off the pad and handing it to David.

“No, no. You must say it like, “Look what I drew” not drawed! Drawed it not a word,” David explained by accepting the paper from Jason anyway.

The paper wrote spelt out ‘bavib’ to which David gave a confused look at until he realized what was wrong with it.

“That’s not how you spell my name,” David told Jason.

“It’s not? See, D-A-V-I-D. David.” Jason corrected him, smiling.

“No, you write the letter “D” as “d” not “b”. You wrote it the wrong way,” David said, correcting Jason’s mistakes.

“Hmm, is it?” Jason asked, put a finger on his chin.

“Oh well! Do you like it?” Jason asked, forgetting the mistake already.

“Oh...er...it’s great,” David commented, he wasn’t too fond of all the hearts that Jason had draw all over his name.

“Psst, let me ask you something,” David whispered as if wanting to share a secret, asking Jason to inch closer.

“What?” Jason whispered back.

“Are you really a girl?” David asked in all seriousness.

“ARGH! I HATE YOU! I AM NOT A GIRL!” Jason wailed and pulled David’s hair.

“Ouch!” David yelled and pulled Jason’s long hair back.

And before anyone knew it, a hair pulling fight had evolved.

“Boys, boys, enough,” Betsy stormed into the room. Taking each boy with each of her hands, separating them however fists continued to fly at each other but they were prevented from hitting each other due to the distance.

“Ok, ok, calm down. Calm down. Now tell me what happened?” Betsy asked as the boys finally stopped throwing their fists at each other and were panting noisily.

“He called me a girl again, mommy!” Jason whined, hugging Betsy.

“I didn’t mean to insult him, I was just asking if he really was one plus he pulled my hair first!” David protested, glaring at the other boy.

“Jason, David, you guys have to stop this, alright? David, Jason is not a girl sweetie, he is a boy. And Jason, you shouldn’t pull anyone’s hair, it’s very rude and disrespectful and not to mention hurtful,” Betsy explained calmly although she was slightly put off by the boys’ behavior.

“Jason, why don’t you take David to the park? I am sure being cooped up in the house is making both of you irritated. Now get along and play together, okay?” Betsy instructed as she led the boys out the door.


The two boys trudged along the footpath, making their way to the park, both not wanting each other’s company.

When they arrived at the park, they saw the entire park filled with numerous kids of all ages. There was such a long queue for the swings, the beeline for the slide was stretching far too long and the sand box was over-populated.

“Wanna play tag?” Jason suggested. He just didn’t want to get bored; it was not like he wanted to play with David.

David shrugged. He didn’t have anything better to do.

“Tag! You’re it!” Jason giggled and ran off. David was taken aback with the surprise tag; he didn’t even know the game had started. He quickly got rid of his surprise and began to chase Jason.

“Naww! You can’t catch me!” Jason giggled, looking behind as he ran forward. What he didn’t know was that there was a big stone in front of him and before David could warn him of the danger ahead. Jason tripped and fell face first onto the ground.

“Oof!” he yelled as he made contact with the ground.

David hurriedly ran over to his new friend, worry clearly displaced on his face.

“Jason! Are you alright?” He asked, as he bent down to the boy’s level who sat on the ground.

Jason sniffed and shook his head indicating that he wasn’t okay. He grabbed his hurting knee only to realize that it has started to bleed. The sight of blood made Jason cry even more.

“Shhh. Don’t cry, Jason. It’s alright, I am here,” David said as he helplessly hugged the injured boy.

“It hurts, David,” Jason’s voice was hoarse, indicating the fact that he might explode into wails anytime. And he did.

“Shh, it’s okay. Get up, Jason, get up, we have to bring you home,” David said as he aided Jason in standing up.

“It’s really painful, David, do something,” Jason cried, having problems standing as it hurt his knee when he did so.

“Alright, Jason, climb onto my back, I will carry you home,” David said as he bucked his knee to stoop down to Jason’s height to help him get onto his back. Once Jason was safely secured onto his back, David gave Jason a piggy back ride home.


Once they arrived home. David yelled out for Jason’s mum.

“Mrs. Castro! Come here quick!” David yelled as he entered the house with a still sobbing Jason on his back.

“Oh dear! What happened, darlings?” Betsy came up to the boys, worried to why her sweet son was crying.

“He fell down and hurt his knee,” David explained and let Jason down his back and helped him on a chair.

“My poor baby! Hold on, I will go get the first aid kit,” Betsy said and was gone to get the kit.

“Thanks, David,” Jason said as his sobs subsided and he gave David a crushing hug.

“It’s okay, Jason,” David said as he blushed in Jason’s warm embrace.

“Alright honey, show me your wound,” Betsy asked as Jason reluctantly let go of David.

With a swipe of antiseptic and a plaster with a kitty on it made Jason smile again.

Jason leapt off his chair, wanting to hug David again but before he could do that, the door bell rung and Anna entered the house as Betsy answered the door.

“Hi, Betsy. Thanks so much for taking care of David. He wasn’t too much trouble, was he?” Anna asked as stepped in.

“Oh no, not at all, Anna, come in,” Betsy welcomed Anna in.

“Oh, I would love to but I have to pass this time. I have to take David and run a couple of errands,” Anna explained as she took David by his hand.

“Oh, alright. But do pop by once again,” Betsy reminded as Jason went over to David to say goodbye.

“Bye, David,” Jason said meekly, depressed that David was going home.

“Bye Jason and you look very pretty,” David told Jason who blushed in response and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

“Aw!” Anna and Betsy chorused together.

“You daughter would make my perfect future daughter-in-law but anyway, got to run, bye!” Anna said rushing out of the door.

Jason huffed, “Mom! Am not a girl!”

ratingfics: g, author: ayusama, fics, fics: au

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