(no subject)

Aug 11, 2008 15:38

 Title: Conversations
Author: ayusama
Pairing: Cookstro, do I even need to say?
Rating: PG- 13.
Disclaimer: David and Jason do not belong to me. They belong to each other.
Summary: AIM conversation between the idols.
Word Count: 906 words.
Notes: High School AU. Can be a little messy.

Note: High School AU.

AIM screen names:

David Cook: Bocephus

David Archuleta: I love lettuce

Syesha Mercado: Diva SM

Jason Castro: Day Dreaming Boy

Brooke White: Church Girl

Carly Smithson: I heart Tattoos

Kristy Lee Cook: Horses R Love

Michael Johns: Bruce

Ramiele Maluby: Short is cute

Chikezie Eze: Chick Easy

Kimberley Caldwell: Pr3ttie Bl0nD3

David put down his pen, rubbed his slightly sore eyes and closed his grueling chemistry book. There, homework done. He stood up and walked over to his computer, loading it up and opening AIM.

-Bocephus has logged in-

-Bruce has opened conversation with Bocephus-

Bruce says: Hey Dave!

Bruce says: You didn’t come for soccer practice? Jason was there.

Bocephus says: Nah, I had homework to finish.

Bocephus says: Jason was there? Damn.

Bruce says: Tough luck.

David sees that Jason is online and opens a conversation with him

-Bocephus has opened conversation with Day Dreaming Boy-

Bocephus says: Hey eyelashes.

-Bocephus has sent Day Dreaming Boy a nudge-

Day Dreaming Boy Says: wat do u want

Bocephus says: Perhaps you could attempt at typing with proper spelling and punctuation.

Day Dreaming boy says: Keep teh nerdiness 2 urself, u big bully

Bocephus says: I see spelling has lost faith in you. But anyway, are you still pissed?

Day Dreaming Boy says: Duh. Dun disturb me.

Bocephus says: It was fun though.


Bocephus says: Caps lock abuse much?

Bocephus says: You came down for soccer?

Bocephus says: Michael told me.

Bocephus says: Didn’t we have a match with another school today?

Bocephus says: Jase...?

David growls. Jason is ignoring him. Then he sees that someone else has opened a conversation with him.

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 says: Hi David!!!

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 says: I came to support you guys for the soccer match, you weren’t there.

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 says: My entire cheerleading squad went down for you.

Bocephus says: Oh? I am sorry, I had work to do.

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 says: Oh...

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 says: Are we still up for our Friday night date?

Bocephus: I am not too sure. Plans might change.

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 says: But...but...you promised.

Bocephus says: I don’t remember confirming anything.

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 says: David...but you did!

-Bocephus has blocked Pr3ttie Bl0nD3-

While he was talking to Kimberley, David realized that Jason had replied.

Day Dreaming Boy says: ....shaddup.

Bocephus says: Don’t ignore me, eyelashes.

-Bocephus has changed his/her name to Jason Castro LOVES me-

Jason Castro LOVES me says: If you ignore me, I am not going to change my screen name.

Day Dreaming Boy says: David! Change it!

Jason Castro LOVES me says: Nu-uh.

-Day Dreaming Boy has changed his/her name to I HATE David Cook-

I HATE David Cook says: Change it or else i wont change mine.

Jason Castro LOVES me says: Eyelashes, you hurt me feelings.

I HATE David Cook says: You hurt my feelings during sch. I repeat, stop throwin things @ me!!!!!!

Jason Castro LOVES me says: But I like seeing your face when you are angry. You look so cute.

I HATE David Cook says: hmph.

Jason Castro LOVES me says: Why don’t I take you out for a date on Friday, I feel bad for making you angry.

-I HATE David Cook has changed his/her name to Day Dreaming Boy-

Day Dreaming Boy says: ...

David feels bad for blocking Kimberly. She was not that bad of a person.

-Jason Castro LOVES me has unblocked Pr3ttie Bl0nD3-

-Jason Castro LOVES me has opened conversation with Pr3ttie Bl0nD3-

Jason Castro LOVES me says: Sorry, I had a disconnection.

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3: That’s ok.

Jason Castro LOVES me says: I think we have to cancel on Friday, I have an important family dinner on that day.

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3: Oh shucks.

-I heart Tattoos has opened conversation with Jason Castro LOVES me-

I heat Tattoos says: Hey Dave.  My boyfriend and I are going to get a tattoo done, wanna come along?

Jason Castro LOVES me says: Sure. I was wondering when you would ask actually.

I heart Tattoos says: Great, so after school tomorrow?

Jason Castro LOVES me says: Sure.

David sees while talking to Carly that Jason has replied. Eagerly, he opened the chat window.

Day Dreaming Boy says: Change ur screen name

Jason Castro LOVES me: Only if you agree to go out with me.

Day Dream Boy says: ...

-Pr3ttie Bl0nD3 has sent Jason Castro LOVES me a nudge-

Pr3ttie Bl0nD3: Shouldn’t I be more important to you, davey?

David growls at his seat. Sometimes, Kimberley went a little too overboard. So he decided to tell her his real feelings.

Jason Castro LOVES me says: Look, Kimberley, I am sorry to say that I have fallen in love with someone else. And I think its fair for you to know. Times were great when I was with you however, I feel that it’s about time we part ways. Perhaps we would be happier with someone else’s company. I hope you understand as I have fallen baldy for Jason Castro.

Day Dreaming Boy says: ....

Day Dreaming Boy says: ...what the hell, david?

David’s eyes went wide as dinner plates when he realized that instead of typing the message on Kimberley’s chat window, he accidently typed it on Jason’s. Over come by shock, the only thing that David could do was to hit the shut down button.

rating: pg, author: ayusama, fics, fics: au

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