(no subject)

Jul 26, 2008 01:31

Title: How Fragile we Are (prologue)
Pairing: Cookstro
Rating: Parental guidance not suggested
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.
Authors note: This has nothing to do with the song Fragile. I just thought that was a fitting title.

Everyone has their weaknesses. The obvious example being Kryptonite to superman, or heroin to a junkie. Even Bella to Edward. But for American Idol winner David Cook, the force that kills him so sweetly is one that is hardly common knowledge. The truth was, David shared a weakness with thousands of females all across the country. To him, instead of being a glowy green rock, kryptonite was a 21 year old kid with dreadlocks and eyes that could turn the bluest most sparkling ocean green with envy. Not to mention the cutest ass in the known world. Jason Castro was his drug of choice..and to be cliché about it... he was addicted.

Crush didn't quite describe his feelings towards Castro either. yes. It was a crush. A man-crush.. if you like. He wasn't gay. Or not that he knew of at least. But he swore that Castro could cause the straightest of men to question their sexuality. And the truth was... David wasn't by any means the straightest of men. His feelings for Jason...whatever they were. Started around the time that Jason was eliminated from American idol. David spent the weeks between his elimination and rehearsals for the finale miserable. He had gotten so used to having Jason around that when he wasn't, he didn't know quite how to function. It even threw off his performance a little bit. And when Jason had returned to rehearse for the finale...Everything was suddenly alright again in David's mind.

Post finale, every time David was range of the object of his idolatry he tried everything to get his attention. He flirted shamelessly. He threw things. He dressed funny. But to no avail. Jason just thought Cook was messing with him. Life sucks when the prettiest person you know is daydreaming about somebody else. Especially when that someone happens to be the proper gender for the prettiest person you know to be daydreaming about and you're well...not.. Jason wasn't gay. Jason had a girlfriend. This was the worst kind of crush ever david thought.  Jason was so readily accessible.. yes so fatally unavailable.

David was always wanted what he could never have. And sometimes... he had a habit of getting just that.

rating: pg, fics, author: madiownsyou

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