modly reminders, once again

Jul 23, 2008 11:45

YO COMMUNITY. Got a few things for ya:

1. Secret Santa - We're gonna start "assigning" presents later today or tomorrow so you have time to write/create them by the end of July. So comment that post if you want in on the fun! You can join in late as well, as I'm sure there'll be leftover requests. Which we'll fill anyway in August. ;)

2. Collective Fic - D is working on that first chapter. So we'll be underway soon, yo.

3. Episodes - Your mods are writing something epic right now, so sit tight.

4. Poll - Please vote on this poll if you haven't!

5. Scenario Five - We've had zero submissions thus far. This makes for sadfaces. Please fix it.

6. Cookstro Song - AI isn't coming anywhere near where we live, bastards, but we all still need to write a theme song. So put that in your brains for a near future project, my loves.

Also, as a general note, I think it's worth mentioning that (despite all the fics/graphics/lolz) we lack any form of news-y updates. Nobody's posting articles or career updates. What's goin' on with their music, yo? Remember this is a community for David and Jason. It's for all forms of appreciation, even if it's just one or the other. I know I love them equally! So don't be afraid to post that kinda thing. All love is good love.

Finally, suggestions for... anything you'd like to see? :)


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