Duck! Fic incoming!

Jul 21, 2008 22:01

Ok so. I had two fic ideas that came to me at once,  Was going to write two ficlets but decided that they were combinable. :)  At least, I think they are.  Brain is saying so far so good. I usually prefer posting my fics once completed but as this will be a little longish compared to what I usually write, will post in parts as I complete them.  So enjoy!  This fic sort of continues in the same vain as the first story I posted here.  Same "universe" as far as Jason and Cook are concerned.  The inspiration for this fic comes from recents news and posts regarding bad fan behavior at recent concerts.  No actual persons are eluded to in this story. At least, none that I know!

Title: Cautionary tale 1/4 ( I think)
Author: Jaelyn
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Cook/Castro
Warnings: bad lanquage
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Though the characters may bear some similarities to actual persons, this is a work of pure fantasy.

Meg Graham considered herself an ordinary girl. Beyond ordinary, actually. More like booooring. She lived with her parents at age 23.  She hadn’t been Miss Popularity in high school but neither had she been a bottom feeder. The non-descript lines of her ovalish face , slightly pug nose, thin lips and watery blue eyes did not catapult her to ugly-ville but she was far from anyone’s definition of pretty. She had a boyfriend but he was a loser. She hadn’t taken his calls in two days, not after finding him ogling the tits on some bimbo at the bar where Meg worked, serving drinks and waiting tables. Yeah. Meg wallowed in loser land, hating her life. Until. Until. 
            Home from work, Meg threw her purse onto her cluttered desk, shoving the door closed with the heel of her foot before toeing off her shoes. She turned, gazing at the poster of David Cook that covered the whole of the door. Smiling, she leaned forward and kissed the paper lips, gazing into the flat paper eyes that seemed to watch her so intently, following her movements across the room.
            “Hello David,” She cooed to the image of America’s newest American Idol. “Did you miss me? Work sucked as always. Some jerk spilled his beer on me. But you know how it is…” She rolled her eyes and laughed. Of course he understood. David had worked in a bar too once upon a time.  She went to her computer, moving the mouse to wake it up. In a few clicks, she was perusing her favorite David Cook sites and fan forums, catching up on the latest movements of her Cookie. 
            David Cook had had her at “Hello”. That moment on American Idol she had engraved in memory. “Billy Jean” had given her chills and  “Music of the Night” an orgasm. Finale night she had text the entire 4 hours until her thumbs were numb and cramping. Of course, then he had asked that bitch, Kim Caldwell, out on national TV. What the hell did he see in her?!! She had messaged his myspace like crazy and sent him a flood of snail mail to the affect. She hadn’t gotten any replies from him but she had noticed that she had not heard much about him and Kim in the press lately. Maybe he took her advice. But then the tour! She saw the concert and it was awesome! Well, at least the part with Cookie. Chikezie was ok. And Carly. She couldn’t care less about the rest. She went for a smoke and hung out with some other wordnerds during those performances. Only Cook mattered.  And after! She had scammed a pass to the after party and got to see David up close and personal. She squealed and giggled just thinking about it. He had signed her poster. Put his arm about her for a picture. Smiled at her. REALLY smiled at her! With his eyes!   Then he had given her a hug, told her thanks for her support. Thanked her again as she shakily handed him the bracelet she had made for him. She had met his eyes and knew they shared a MOMENT. “I hope to see you again at another show!” he had said as the next girl in line impatiently moved passed her, jealous, Meg knew, of the attention David showed her. Even now the memory filled her with happiness. She and David BELONGED together. Soon she would see him again, at another concert, Chicago. She had her tickets already. 
            Chewing happily on a lock of dishwater blah hair, Meghan scanned the pages for for interesting posts and any new David pics from the tour. She had downloaded and printed all her favorite pictures of the new Idol and they hung from nearly every available place on the light blue walls of her room. A new picture on one of her favorite sites caught her attention. From the Sacromento show. Pictures of David, gorgeous as ever, with that kid with the dreads, Jason Castro.   Meg wrinkled her nose. She didn’t like Jason Castro. Hated him mostly because no boy should look like he did. She glanced at the caption: Cookstro, FTW!
“Cookstro?” Meg murmured. “What the hell?” She quickly googled Cookstro and her computer screen flooded with results. She clicked on the first link. It took her to fan site devoted to all things David Cook and Jason Castro. Pictures with funny captions, videos, fan fiction. She skimmed the pages, her face going hot, her mouth tight. 
“No effin’ way! “ She muttered to herself “ I can NOT believe this shit!”

rating: pg-13, author: jaelyn, fics

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