Thursday Thirteen

Oct 16, 2008 15:23

Just a quick 13 today. I've had a sinus headache for days and just can't think of a clever and awesome 13 this week. I like Fall, but it does play havoc with my sinuses every year.

Thirteen Small Things That Make Me Happy (other than my family, of course)

1. An icy-cold bottle of Diet Coke in my favorite glass with lots of ice.
2. When everything is done for the day and I can sit in my chair with my laptop guilt-free.
3. My Sirius radio.
4. Magic curled up against me when I read in bed.
5. Saving a bunch of money at the grocery store.
6. Completing a crossword or Sudoku puzzle.
7. Catalogs in the mail.
8. Favorite magazines in the mail.
9. When a new recipe turns out great.
10. A perfect iced coffee drink.
11. Taking a picture that comes out better than I thought it would.
12. Sleeping dog faces.
13. A day with nothing that needs to be done.

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