Restaurant in LA, Wednesday

Feb 29, 2012 14:56

Piper was not in the best mood today. She wondered if there was a Leap Day curse that turned customers into nitpicky jackasses. In her line of work (the other witchy one), that might actually be possible. She'd have to look into it.

No one was as bad as her annoying, awful boss, though. He was so condescending and bossy and...faux French! Ugh! When he turned to leave the kitchen after another tantrum, the death glares from her and her co-workers were like daggers.

She had to wonder if vanquishing him would be wrong. Wouldn't society be better for it? Not that she ever would do anything like that, no matter how tempting it was.

[can be open for calls or texts or whatever; I blame this post on Horrible Bosses, which I watched recently]

lindsey, restaurant

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