San Francisco, Wednesday Morning

Nov 01, 2006 11:13

Piper had a few errands to run before going to class. First, she needed to be a little more awake, so she stopped at a coffee shop in town. After that, she stopped at her favorite new age store. She had a test today and figured a few good luck charms couldn't hurt.

She got a very bad feeling as soon as she entered the store, especially when she didn't see anyone around.

"Hello?" she called, thinking maybe the witch who owns the store was in the back somewhere.

When she didn't get a response, she started looking around for signs of a struggle. Something just didn't seem right. The scorch mark she discovered on the wall? That only worried her more. It resembled the marks left behind after a fireball attack. She leaned closer to get a better look.

She thought about calling the police to report the witch missing. But she realized this was not a police matter. This was other worldly. Underworld even. She couldn't tell the police that. They'd think she was crazy or involved somehow.

Piper shook her head sadly before leaving the shop. "I'll find out who did this..."

Someone had to find justice for her.

[ooc: continued from here]

source plot, san francisco

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