East Attic, Thursday Night

Apr 13, 2006 23:44

For some reason, Piper felt very uneasy. She had a feeling something bad was going to happen if it hasn't already.

She thought about calling Phoebe, but she figured her sister was safe with Bel.

She didn't even realize she'd been pacing.

mommy dearest plot, east attic, bel

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demonbelthazor April 14 2006, 03:47:35 UTC
Bel abruptly shimmered into the attic with Kiki, Veronica, and Lana...but no Phoebe. He leaned against the wall, panting from the exertion.


kikidelivers April 14 2006, 03:51:35 UTC
Shimmering, Kiki had just learned, did little to make you feel better when you weren't feeling great to begin with. Lana looked a little queasy as well, but she nodded and followed Kiki as the young witch ran down to her room for supplies.


cookinggeek April 14 2006, 03:54:08 UTC
Piper just blinked a few times in confusion. "What the hell is going on?"


demonbelthazor April 14 2006, 03:55:08 UTC
"Phoebe's been kidnapped," Bel said, getting right to the point. "Kiki's going to cast a spell to find her."


cookinggeek April 14 2006, 03:57:38 UTC
"Wait, what? What do you mean she's been kidnapped? Where is she?" Piper demanded to know, her voice filled with panic.


demonbelthazor April 14 2006, 03:58:58 UTC
"The demon who attacked Allie has her," Bel said. He looked down. "My mother."


cookinggeek April 14 2006, 04:02:20 UTC
"Your mother attacked Allie and now has my sister?!" Piper was totally freaking out now. "What does she want with Phoebe? Is she gonna hurt her?"

She feared the worst.


demonbelthazor April 14 2006, 04:04:44 UTC
"She won't hurt her yet," Bel said. "She, um, wants me to do that."


cookinggeek April 14 2006, 04:08:34 UTC
"Oh, this just get better!" Piper sighed. But she started to calm down a little. She knew Bel would never hurt Phoebe.


kikidelivers April 14 2006, 04:12:00 UTC
Without a knock, the door opens and Kiki and Lana hurry in again, their arms laden with half the contents of Kiki's magical supplies - she hadn't thought to hard about what precisely she would need, so she settled for taking as much as possible. She drops several papers and, crouching over them, asks, "You said she was nearby, right? On the island, most likely?" Kiki digs through the pile and pulls out a map of the island and spreads it on the floor as Lana more carefully sets down several powders and bags of herbs.


demonbelthazor April 14 2006, 04:13:41 UTC
Bel nodded. "I don't think she's taken her far. She wants to be close to keep an eye on me, see what I'm up to. She was watching while I was in jail. She knows everyone who came to see me."


kikidelivers April 14 2006, 04:19:42 UTC
"All right," Kiki nodded, smoothing the map again and coughing. She took a twig of herb from one of the bags in Lana's hands and dipped it in a fine blue powder, brushing it lightly over the map. Reaching behind her neck, she pulled a black cord over her head from which dangled an iron skeleton key.

She was glad she was kneeling; the shimmer and the run up and down the stairs on top of her increasing temperature left her feeling faintly dizzy as she looked up at her friends. "Bel and Piper, you two are the closest to Phoebe. I'll need you to hold my hand -" she extended her left, "and concentrate on Phoebe as hard as you can." She wrapped the cord of the key around her right hand once and held it over the map. "I'm ready."


cookinggeek April 14 2006, 04:23:33 UTC
Piper gave Kiki a concerned look before she and Bel took her hand. She hoped Kiki would be okay.


kikidelivers April 14 2006, 04:31:56 UTC
Giving them a nod that she hoped for all the world was a reassuring one, Kiki closed her eyes and bowed her head in concentration as she summoned up the forces of magic and felt them swirl around her. She could sense Bel and Piper's concentration - it was well they were both by, as Kiki could feel her focus wavering with this frustrating cold she'd picked up. Ignoring it as best she could, she could see the map in her mind's eye as the key passed over each section, and beyond that, faintly, Phoebe's face.

The Park...Galactica Point... minutes ticked by. The Docks...the Arms Hotel... past Serenity Cove - Phoebe's face became suddenly clearer. Kiki's exhausted eyes flew open; the key was no longer swaying as an ordinary pendant, but hovered fixedly over a bit of rocky land on the western part of the island.

"There," Kiki announced, her hoarse voice nearly gone. "She's there."


demonbelthazor April 14 2006, 04:37:06 UTC
"Underground most likely," Bel said. "I bet the sewers will lead us there. I've been down in them before and they're pretty extensive." He almost twitched with the need to rush in himself and deal with his mother, but reason won out. "We need to plan what to do. We can't go in there after her without a good force to take her down. She probably won't be alone."


cookinggeek April 14 2006, 04:41:10 UTC
"Can't I just blow her up?"


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