No-Bake Coconut Icebox Cake

Aug 24, 2014 23:20

I'm on a quest to create a coconut cake for all baking levels.

So here it is, finally: the easiest ever coconut cake! It's a coconut cake for the masses. Too lazy to bake? Too hot to bake? Too busy to bake? This is your coconut cake. Lucky you, because it's also totally insanely delicious. Just be sure to buy really good shortbread cookies. Enjoy!

No-Bake Coconut Icebox Cake
Recipe by: Willow Bird Baking
Yield: 10-12 servings

3 cups heavy cream
6 tablespoons powdered sugar
3/4 teaspoon coconut extract
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoon coconut milk solids*
5 boxes (of 9 rounds each) large shortbread cookie rounds
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
*In some cans, coconut milk separates into solids and liquids. If it does in yours, just use the solids. If it's more homogenized, though, that's okay -- just use it as-is.

Beat together cream, powdered sugar, extracts, and coconut milk in a chilled bowl until the mixture develops stiff peaks. Arrange one box of cookies on a plate as the first layer of your "cake" -- I was able to create a circle with 2 cookies in the center. Dollop about 1/5 of the whipped cream mixture on top, spreading it gently to the edges of the cookies with the back of a spoon or an offset spatula. Sprinkle about 1/5 of the coconut. Arrange another box of cookies on top of this filling. Continue alternating cookies/filling until you finish with filling on top. Sprinkle on coconut. Refrigerate overnight before serving by cutting with a sharp knife into cake slices.

To read some thoughts about race that I hope will be valuable to you in the wake of what happened in Ferguson, MO, and see more photos, please head over to Willow Bird Baking!

x-posted to food_porn, picturing_food, cooking

dessert: cookies, dessert: cake

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