Roasted Root Veggies and Squash with Cranberry Pesto

Nov 27, 2013 12:58

I love this time of year and Thanksgiving is the quintessential day for fall and winter flavors. It's cozy and warm and lovely. This dish is a great example of this!

For the recipe visit me at The Realistic Housewife

2 Small Acorn Squashes
4 Carrots
2 Parsnips
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Cranberry Pesto
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Heat oven to 375 degrees
Wash and peel carrots and parsnips
Cut into bite-sized pieces
Toss in half of the olive oil and salt and pepper to taste
Cut squashes through the middle and remove stem (so it can sit flat)
Oil the cut sides
Place squashes cut-side down on aluminum foiled baking sheet
Add carrots and vegetables to baking sheet
Bake for 45 minutes
Toss carrots and parsnips with pesto and fill center of each half with the mixture

vegetable: acorn squash, diet: vegetarian, herbs and spices: basil, vegetable: carrot, vegetable: squash, holiday: thanksgiving, fruit: cranberry

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