did I murder my muffin tin cups? ;__; can i still use them?

May 06, 2013 14:07

so, don't ask me what happened because i have no idea. Maybe it's because I had run out of those muffin paper cup thingies (name escapes me now) and made a citric muffin last year, but this year, when I recently made some banana ones (this time with the greased paper cup thingies in place), after i washed it it just... disintegrated into rust.

like, serious case of rust. Having in other instance used vinegar to battle rust, i poured vinegar in my muffin cups and left them a day or two, and then i get my first clue something weird- it smelled terrible. Like, mayonnaise wanting very badly to go bad.

When I remove the vinegar, tho, ti's sparkly and clean and perfectly shiny- for all two minutes. Then it rusted right back.

since the muffin doesn't touch this part of the tin cups, I'm not worried about that, but the idea of rust + hot oven + stuff I'm gonna eat makes me wary.... Can it be done? is there anything I can do to save the tray?

thank you for any and all advice!

ps: if possible I'd also like ideas as to what went wrong? previous to last year i had used the tins without trouble each time, and washed it without signs of rust?

dessert: muffins, help: what went wrong?, help: can i eat this?, help: cooking method, help: is it edible, help: tips and tricks

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