Bengal Spice Sorbet (Dairy/Grain/Gluten Free) using ice cream maker

Apr 16, 2013 13:17

5 eggs yolks
2 cups almond milk (I used unsweetened but you can use vanilla or sweetened to layer your flavors)
1 cup of cooled tea (2-4 teabags of celestial seasonings Bengal Spice tea steeped in 1 cup of boiling water for forever/until cool. About an hour.)
1/2 cup of organic maple syrup (I used about 3 tablespoons the first time and it wasn't sweet enough so use your judgement),
pinch of salt
1 tsp xanthan gum (optional..adds a little more body to the sorbet)

Whip all above together. Cover and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Pour into frozen ice cream making bowl and 'churn' for 15-20 minutes. Place sorbet in airtight container and freeze for 2 hours.

Its very refreshing with a warm cinnamon and ginger finish.

dessert: sorbet

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