Rainbow marble cake

Mar 18, 2013 19:47

I know rainbow cakes are pretty overdone on the internet, but this was a surprise birthday cake I made for a coworker that came out way better than I ever expected. Last Monday, around 11am, my coworker announced that it was her birthday. After the obligatory "happy birthday" session was over, we chided her for not letting us know ahead of time so we could have done something. I'm the resident baker in the office, so she told me that now that I knew it was her birthday, I had to make her something.

So, I decided to surprise her...


Easy White Cake*
Recipe from Kitchenaid

2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup shortening
1 cup low fat milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 egg whites

*this recipe is originally intended for 8" round cakes. If you're making a 9" x 13" like I did, make sure you double the recipe

Combine dry ingredients in mixer bowl. Add shortening, milk and vanilla. Attach bowl and flat beater to mixer. Turn to speed 2 and mix about 1 minute. Stop and scrape bowl. Add egg whites. Turn to Speed 6 and beat about 1 minute, or until smooth and fluffy.

Divide batter evenly into smaller bowls. Dye each smaller bowl of batter a different color, being sure to use a different spoon for each bowl so that the colors don't mix. Be a little heavy-handed with the food coloring, as the colors will fade a little as they bake.

Grease a 9" x 13" baking pan. Drop spoonfuls of batter into the pan. Alternate colors randomly, so that once completed, the batter looks like paint splatter abstract art. Using the flat edge of a clean butter knife, swirl the batter once or twice. Do not swirl the batter too much or the colors will end up muddled.

Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cake cook completely in the pan on a wire rack. Once cooled, turn out of the pan and frost.

Vanilla Pudding Frosting

8 oz. (1 cup) heavy cream
1/2 package instant vanilla pudding
1/2 cup cold milk

Combine milk and vanilla pudding in a small bowl. Let set for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, whip the cream until it forms soft peaks. Add the set pudding and stir until thoroughly combined. Frost cake, storing any leftovers in the fridge.

For (way) more photos and to find out what my coworker's 7 year old daughter thought of the cake, head on over to Elfie's Edibles.

x-posted to bakebakebake

dairy, dessert: frosting, dessert: cake, method: baking

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