Cranberry & Pistachio Cupcake with White Chocolate Buttercream

Mar 17, 2013 10:51

I’m favouring a new cup cake flavour combination these days. Well… its not really new as such. Its white choc + pistachios + cranberries soaked in Southern Comfort. Yep you read it right, Cranberries soaked in Southern Comfort! I first made this cupcake at christmas. I’ve made several variations of the white choc, pistachio and cranberry combination but I don’t usually soak the cranberries. I'm so in love with these little beauties that i just can't stop making them!!

Ingredients Cupcake:
  • 2oz Butter
  • 2oz Caster Sugar
  • 2oz Self Raising Flour - sifted
  • 65g Pistachios
  • 100g Cranberries
  • 2tbp Southern Comfort
  • 1tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 large egg

Method Cupcake:
  1. Preheat oven to 180C.
  2. Soak cranberries in southern comfort for at least 10 mins.(I left them overnight.)
  3. Meanwhile, beat butter & sugar until pale and fluffy.
  4. Add egg & vanilla and beat again.
  5. Fold in flour.
  6. Once flour is 1/2 mixed in, add pistachios, cranberries and any liquids that havent been soaked up by the cranberries - fold again.
  7. Spoon into cupcake liners - you should get at least 6 medium sized cupcakes
  8. Bake for 12-15 mins.
  9. Leave to cool completely before frosting

Ingredients Frosting & Topping:
  • 100g Butter
  • 100g Icing Sugar
  • 1/2tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 50g White Chocolate - melted
  • 1tbp Pistachios chopped
  • 1tbp Cranberries chopped

Method Frosting & Topping:
  1. Beat butter, vanilla & sugar until pale and fluffy.
  2. Add melted white chocolate and beat for 2 mins.
  3. Frost cupcakes - Make sure cupcakes are completely cooled first otherwise your frosting will melt.
  4. Top with chopped cranberries and pistachios

Click here for Pictures and Tips

dessert: cupcakes, dessert: chocolate, nuts: pistachio, fruit: cranberry

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